Book ID/图书代码: 07980013B66390
English Summary/英文概要: Once there were hundreds of members of the Oversight, the brave souls who guard the borders between the mundane and the magic. Now their number can be counted on a single hand. Only five still guard the border between the worlds. And when they fall, so do we all.
A vagabond brings a screaming girl to the Oversight’s London headquarters. Is she the great hope for a new recript, or is she the instrument of their downfall?
The end always comes faster than you think.
Chinese Summary/中文概要: 曾经,有着成千上万的守疆人,那些勇敢的灵魂保卫着俗世与魔法世界的边境。而如今,他们的人数早已寥寥无几。仅剩下五人保卫着两界。而如果他们倒下了,我们也同样无法幸存。
About the Author/作者介绍: 查理•弗莱彻曾说:“将《守疆人》带给大家,我感到一种双重的喜悦感。首先,我一直都单纯的希望能够为成年读者们创作作品。起初,我是为自己的孩子而进行故事写作的,我很高兴能够陪伴他们成长,如今,他们已经慢慢走出了青春时光。其次,从更深的层次看,Orbit似乎拥有很大一批的科学幻想小说作家,其中有许多我都个人十分尊敬和喜欢。”
查理•弗莱彻是一名荧屏剧作家和童书作家,现居爱丁堡。其作品《铁石心肠》三部曲已被翻译为多种语言并拍摄为电影,其版权由paramount公司掌控。其第一册作品曾获布兰福德•波斯奖提名,并入围卫报儿童小说奖。其独立儿童小说作品FAR ROCKAWAY (又名 Hodder)去年一经出版便饱获赞誉,并入围卡内基奖。作为一名荧屏剧作家,作者目前正致力于两部电视剧集的编剧,分别为BBC和HBO电视台出品。
Charlie Fletcher said: “I’m doubly excited (and just a little bit awed) to be bringing THE OVERSIGHT to Orbit. First, I’m just plain looking forward to writing for an adult audience. Having begun writing stories for my kids, I’m really pleased to be able to keep them in the cross hairs as they now emerge from the other end of the teenage tunnel. Secondly, on closer examination, the Orbit roster seems to contain a disproportionately large number of the sci-fi and fantasy authors whom I admire and enjoy (hence the side helping of awe).”
Charlie Fletcher is a screenwriter and children’s author living in Edinburgh. His STONEHEART Trilogy has been translated into a dozen languages and the film rights have been sold to Paramount. The first volume was shortlisted for the Branford Boase award and long-listed for the Guardian Children’s Fiction Prize. His standalone novel for children, FAR ROCKAWAY (also Hodder), was published last year to great critical acclaim and has been long-listed for the Carnegie prize. As a screenwriter, he is currently working on two series, one for the BBC, the other for HBO.
Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE
Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE
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