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    定价:19.95 美元
    上传日期:2013-5-24 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 06481013B62444

    English Summary/英文概要: Bestselling author Lawrence Hill offers a provocative examination of the scientific and social history of blood, and on the ways that it unites and divides us today.
    Blood runs red through every person’s arteries and fulfills the same functions in every human being. However, as much as the study and use of blood has helped advance our understanding of human biology, its cultural and social representations have divided us perennially. Blood pulses through religions, literature, and the visual arts, and every time it pools or spills, we learn a little more about what brings human beings together and what divides them. The perceptions of difference in our blood have defined and separated people on the basis of gender, race, and nation. Perceptions about the history and purity of one’s blood have spawned rules about who gets to belong to a family or cultural group, who enjoys the rights of citizenship and nationality, what privileges one can expect to be granted or denied, whether you inherit diseases or the right to rule over the masses, what constitutes fair play in sport, and what, exactly, constitutes a person’s identity.
    Blood: The Stuff of Life is a fascinating historical and contemporary interpretation of blood, as a bold and enduring determinant of identity, gender, race, culture, citizenship, belonging, privilege, deprivation, athletic superiority, and nationhood.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 畅销书作家劳伦斯•希尔提供了一份对血的科学和社会历史的挑衅性考察,以及我们今天对它的共识和分歧。红色的血液流过每个人的动脉,并在每个人的身体里发挥相同的功能。然而,尽管尽可能多的学习和运用血液有助于推进我们理解人类生物学,它的文化和社会表现却在常年分化我们。血液穿透宗教,文学和视觉艺术,它每溢出一点,我们就多一点了解是什么让人类聚在一起,又是什么让他们分离。我们血液中的差异界定及区分人的性别,种族和民族。对历史和血液纯度的认知催生了一些规则,例如你应该属于哪个家庭或文化群体;谁享有公民身份和国籍的权利;人们可以期待被授予或拒绝什么样的特权是否在群众中遗传疾病或继承统治权;什么构成运动中的规则;以及究竟是什么构成一个人的身份。



    About the Author/作者介绍: 劳伦斯•希尔是多部小说和非小说类作品的作者,包括《一些伟大的事情》、《血液的任何认知》以及屡获殊荣的全国畅销书《黑人的书》。他还和约书亚•肯合写了回忆录《黑浆果和甜汁》:一个黑人和白人在加拿大的故事;以及《逃兵的故事》:一个普通士兵在伊拉克战争中逃走的故事。

    Lawrence Hill is the author of several novels and works of nonfiction, including Some Great Thing, Any Known Blood, and the award-winning national bestseller The Book of Negroes. He also wrote the memoir Black Berry, Sweet Juice: On Being Black and White in Canada and co-authored, with Joshua Key, The Deserter’s Tale: The Story of an Ordinary Soldier Who Walked Away from the War in Iraq.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

    Sales in other countries/其他国家销售情况:Chinese rights are available (rights sold: OneWorld/UK, NewSouth/ANZ, Pleine Lune/French N.A.)


