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    定价:0.00 美元
    上传日期:2013-5-24 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 06481013B62442

    English Summary/英文概要: The Paris Wife, The Rules of Civility, and The Cat’s Table all rolled into one novel set in the vividly imagined streets of 1920’s Montreal about an unlikely duo who team up to catapult their artistic careers forward — with unexpected results.
    From one of Canada’s brightest emerging writers comes an unforgettable tale of love, art, and life. Serafim and Claire is the beautiful, moving, and compulsively readable story of two dreamers whose worlds become forever connected.
    Claire Audette is a dancer whose reputation in the vaudeville houses of 1920s Montreal is rapidly on the rise. Serafim Vieria is a photographer and lonely immigrant, wandering the streets of the same city haunted by memories of a lost love in his native Portugal. Around them, the Twenties are roaring, and the metropolis is simmering: corrupt politicians, the burgeoning of jazz, the emerging suffragette movement, trouble in the Red Light, fascism in the Italian community, with the English/French divide cleaving through it all. And as Serafim and Claire’s lives begin to intertwine, a dangerous plot forms that could boost both their fortunes. Can their naïve yet cunning plan succeed? Can they make their own luck? And, if they fail, what will become of their budding love? Serafim and Claire is the unforgettable story of two idealistic yet flawed dreamers being drawn together, and of the vibrant city and times in which they live. In lush and beautiful prose, Mark Lavorato brings an entire world vividly to life.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 在这部拥有《巴黎妻子》《礼仪之道》和《猫咪的桌子》等多部小说影子的作品中,故事发生在虚构的20世纪20年代蒙特利尔的街道之上,一对年轻人意外地走到了一起,为将俩人的艺术生涯向前推进而蓄势待发---最终也确实获得了意料之外的收获。





    About the Author/作者介绍: 马克•拉沃拉托是一名作家,著有两部小说作品,《诚实》和《相信西德里克》,他还著有一部诗歌集《疲惫的木地板》。除了从事写作,他还是一名富有激情的音乐人与街头摄影师。作者现居魁北克省,蒙特利尔市。

    Mark Lavorato is the author of two novels, Veracity and Believing Cedric, and a collection of poems, Wayworn Wooden Floors. In addition to writing, he is an active musician and a street photographer. He lives in Montreal, Quebec.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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