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    上传日期:2013-5-23 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 07904013B62437

    English Summary/英文概要: The Gates of Occident + The Eagles of Orient

    It is the 23rd century. An impassable screen protects Occident from its neighbouring empires. Wang, a young seventeen-year-old Chinese boy, lives with his grandmother in a poor district of Grand-Wroclaw in Silesia, one of the sub-provinces of Sino-Russia governed by the Neo-triads.

    Because he has transgressed the law of Assöl the Mongol, a godfather of the clan, Wang has no other choice but to follow the path of exile. For a gateway sometimes opens in the screen at Most in Bohemia. But what happens to emigrants from Occident?

    They speak of slavery or even worse; they say they are forced to fight each other like gladiators. No one has ever returned to tell the tale...

    2214. Army Captain in the Field of Frederick Alexander, Wang is participating in his second Time-Dimension Games. Not only has he been called up to take part in a reconstitution of the Boer War, the young Chinese boy finds himself involved in quite a different combat. Not merely a pawn in the power struggle between English and French, he is also the master card of the "hives", a clandestine network which is also trying to break free of the occidental yoke. Wang has become a marked man.

    Is he really the seed of chaos planted in Occidental earth by an old gardener called Grandma Li? How can one be a rebel in a world where immigrants can be "switched off " like mere light bulbs?

    And how can this electromagnetic screen dividing the world between sterile opulence on the one side and poverty and tyranny on the other be brought down?

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 23世纪。来自邻近帝国的一个无法通过屏幕保护的西方国度。王,是一名十七岁的中国男孩,与祖母住在西里西亚的一个贫穷的大瓦罗地区,西里西亚是中俄新三合会统治的子省之一。 因为他违反了家族的头领,蒙古人阿索尔的法律,所以别无选择地走上了流亡之路。因为在波希米亚,网关有时最多在屏幕上打开。但是来自西方的移民呢?他们谈论到奴隶制,甚至更糟;他们说他们被迫像角斗士一样互相争斗。从来没有人回来讲这个故事。。。(Sandy)

    Awards/获奖情况:已有film optioned! 將製作電玩遊戲! (this title is optioned for a film and will be adapted as a video game.)

    About the Author/作者介绍: Pierre Bordage was born in January 1955 in Réorthe, Vendée, France and is married with two children. After uneventful years at school, nine years of karate and a few banjo lessons, he discovered writing during a workshop at Nantes University in 1975... A few trips to the Orient and some experience as a bookseller later, he settled down in the Gers in 1985 and wrote Les Guerriers du silence (The Warriors of Silence). Not until 1992 did he meet his first editors, at Vaugirard, having returned to Paris in the meantime to work as a sports reporter. He was offered the Rohel series. Back in 1992 L’Atalante received the manuscript of Les Guerriers du silence and published it in March 1993. This space opera with epic dimensions where hundreds of worlds clash, powerfully based on our myths and collective imagination, had immediate public success, which in no way diminished over the three years during the publication of the trilogy. Recognition by both amateurs and professionals came when he was awarded the Prize for l’Imaginaire and the Julia Verlanger Prize for Les Guerriers du Silence in 1994 and the Cosmos 2000 Prize for La Citadelle Hyponéros (The Citadel of Hyperneros) in 1996. In the summer of 1999, he left to live in the United States for two years with his family before returning to his native region in France. With L’Enjomineur in 2004, Pierre Bordage renders homage to this region by enhancing historical facts with fantastical elements. This trilogy was awarded the Imaginales Prize in 2007. Today Pierre Bordage lives in Nantes.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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