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    上传日期:2013-5-23 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 00440913B62435

    English Summary/英文概要: Private Pleasures describes the three-day sex, drink, and drug binge of a thirty-something newsreader in the back streets and crumbling apartments of his native Giza, that pullulating mass of humanity that, like an ugly sister, sits opposite Cairo on the Nile’s west bank. Pursued by an unshakable sense of impending doom that is only partly attributable to fear of retribution at the hands of a sadistic police officer with whose wife he is conducting a frenzied affair, the narrator observes, with fascinated horror, his own stumbling progress through a world of menace and wonder inhabited by philosophical prostitutes, nightmarish butchers, serene Quran-readers, pious family members, religious con-men, autistic tissue-sellers, and others. Milleresque in its treatment of sex, the novel captures the essence of the phantasmagoric world of the Egyptian mega-city, disintegrating under the pressures of its home-grown horrors while pining for the sublime.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 《隐秘欢愉》讲述了一名30多岁的新闻广播员在后街和位于吉萨的破败公寓里度过的充满了性、酗酒和吸毒的狂欢的三日。吉萨这个充满着人群和人类气息的地方,犹如丑恶的双生姐妹,坐落在尼罗河的西岸,就在开罗对面的地方。我们的旁观叙述者感到自身被一种摆脱不掉的命运降临感所追随,一部分可能源于对于当下和享欲主义警察的妻子之间的疯狂情事所可能遭到的报应的恐惧,另一方面,令他自己感到既痴迷又畏惧的是他自己跌跌撞撞走过的这个充满着威胁与惊奇的世界的过程,哲学家妓女、噩梦般的屠夫、平静的读者、虔诚的家庭成员、宗教骗子、自闭症卖家等。小说捕捉了埃及最大城市千变万化的种种主要风景, 在其国内日渐增长的恐怖压力下破碎,同时又努力保存其高尚的精髓。(DC)


    About the Author/作者介绍: 汉姆迪·艾尔·嘉泽,1970年出生于吉萨,毕业于开罗大学哲学专业。他的第一部小说Black Magic (AUC出版社 2007)曾在《埃及文学》上获得2006年Sawiris Foundation奖。汉弗瑞·戴维斯曾译有Naguib Mahfouz所著的Midaq Alley(AUC出版社, 2011)及许多其他阿拉伯文学作品。他曾两次荣获Saif Ghobash-Banipal奖阿拉伯文学翻译奖:2006年译有Elias Khoury’s Gate of the Sun,2010年译有Elias Khoury’s Yalo。2012年在对Mourid Barghouti的作品I Was Born There和I Was Born Here的翻译中,他赢得了亚军(AUC 出版社, 2011)。

    Hamdy el-Gazzar was born in 1970 in Giza and graduated in philosophy from Cairo University. His first novel, Black Magic (AUC Press 2007), received the 2006 Sawiris Foundation Prize in Egyptian Literature. Humphrey Davies is the translator of Midaq Alley by Naguib Mahfouz (AUC Press, 2011) and other works of Arabic literature. He has twice received the Saif Ghobash-Banipal Prize for Arabic Literary Translation: in 2006, for his translation of Elias Khoury’s Gate of the Sun, and in 2010, for his translation of Elias Khoury’s Yalo. He was also the runner-up in 2012 for his translation of I Was Born There, I Was Born Here by Mourid Barghouti (AUC Press, 2011).


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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