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    上传日期:2013-5-23 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 00440913B62432

    English Summary/英文概要: Trying to evade intelligence agencies out to assassinate him, the Cerebellum, an Egyptian scientist with a past association with the Iraqi nuclear program, rents a room on the roof of a brothel in a Cairo slum. His interaction with the other residents is limited; instead he spends most of his time in the virtual world, where he has a love affair with Candy Girl, a gorgeous avatar. On the other side of the planet, an ex-NSA agent has joined a secret organization whose mission is to assassinate Iraqi scientists. He does not allow his doubts about the legality-or the ethics-of his mission to interfere with his work. He chases his victim relentlessly, but when his top-of-the-line equipment fails to locate the Cerebellum in Cairo’s slums, he takes the chase to the virtual world.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 为了躲避企图暗杀他的情报局特工,曾经参与了伊拉克核项目的埃及科学家赛罗贝勒姆在开罗贫民窟地区的一间妓院的顶层租了一间小屋。他与其他居民的交往是受到限制的;因此他将绝大多数时间都花费在了虚拟世界中,并在那里他与一个名叫甜心的女孩,一名美丽的阿凡达少女,开始了一段恋情。然而在星球的另一端,曾经的一名NSA特工加入了一个秘密的组织,其任务便是暗中杀害伊拉克科学家。其任务的合法性和道德性不容置疑,以免影响任务的执行。他执着地追寻着他的目标对象,然而当他的顶尖设备在寻找赛罗贝勒姆的过程中失去了方向后,他决定在虚拟的世界中继续展开追逐。(DC)


    "A world with no one easily trusted is a difficult one to cope with. "Candygirl" is a novel of the modern Middle East and the fall out of the many recent conflicts. An Egyptian scientist is on the run and finds himself the target of many interests with cruel intentions for him and his knowledge of the defunct Iraqi nuclear program. Hiding in the slums of Cairo, "Candygirl" is a riveting novel of trying to live life, escape capture, and return to something that resembles happiness." Midwest Book Review

    About the Author/作者介绍: M•M托菲克出生于开罗。他于开罗大学获得土木工程和公共关系的学位,并一直从事着土木工程,外交以及写作的相关事业。他是埃及作家联合会、国际作家协会作家团体,以及澳大利亚ACT作家协会中的一员。他著有三卷阿拉伯语短篇故事集,其中一本名为The Day the Moon Fell的选集以及另外三部小说,包括Murder in the Tower of Happiness(AUC 出版社,2008)等已于1997年时于开罗获得英语版本的发行机会。

    M.M. Tawfik was born in Cairo. He earned degrees in civil engineering (Cairo University), international law (University of Paris), and international relations (International Institute of Public Administration in Paris) and has pursued careers in engineering, diplomacy, and writing. He is a member of the Egyptian Writers Union, Pen International, the Geneva Writers Group, and ACT writers of Australia. He is the author of three volumes of short stories in Arabic, from which a selection was made and published in English in Cairo in 1997 under the title The Day the Moon Fell, and three novels, including Murder in the Tower of Happiness (AUC Press, 2008).


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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