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    定价:28.95 美元
    上传日期:2013-5-23 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 11724013B62428

    English Summary/英文概要: Position your company for innovation and growth as a global leader. The most successful global leaders lead from the edge. They understand context and the changing landscape in ways most people don’t. They understand that it’s not only how valuable your products and services are to the global markets that you serve, but also how appropriate your organization is in terms of its structure and operations to the culture and setting in which you conduct business. Learn the 10 essential traits successful global leaders embody; each leader doesn’t possess all 10, but each has a healthy mix. Learn how seven top executives used their strengths tie to global successes. Give your organization the edge in today s global market.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 将公司定位于全球领导者来创新和增长。最成功的全球领导者有领先的优势。他们了解大多数人不知道的环境变化的方式。他们明白,这不仅有关于你的产品和服务对全球市场有多大价值,还关系到在文化的结构和操作以及开展业务方面你的组织是否合适。学习成功的全球领导者体现的10个基本特征;不是每一个领导者都完全具备这十项,但每一个人都有一个有利的组合。学习七个高管如何用自己的优势来配合全球成功。让您的组织在当今全球市场占据优势。(LNL)

    Awards/获奖情况:Leading from the Edge is not only an enjoyable read, but also a powerful resource. Annmarie Neal does a fantastic job of identifying the essential traits that today’s leaders need, and she also provides a cutting-edge look at how future leaders will need to adapt in this truly global economy. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a CEO, or an MBA student, this book is essential for anyone wanting to lead today and/or in the future.

    About the Author/作者介绍: 安玛莉•尼尔博士是思科系统公司和第一数据公司的前首席人才官,是创新领导中心的创始人:这一个世界性的咨询公司,通过领导和组织的优势专注于业务创新和转型。她拥有超过20年的全球业务主管和高层领导者的咨询经验,以及一系列跨行业包括写作,演讲,企业管理和咨询。她为很多出版物提供专业解,包括华尔街日报。她还写了很多关于行政领导的书籍和杂志,包括《人才管理的综合执行指南》,《人才管理》,《成功的策略》和T+D杂志。她还写了《制定领先战略的资讯》,并为“组织发展杂志”和“经济咨商局”写作。尼尔博士现在住在科罗拉多州的银索恩。

    卡伦•康威是一个经常受邀的国际演讲者和作家,特别是不同利益的相关者如何协作和调整推动产业转型的话题。因为她一直在环保,石油和天然气生产商之间建立共识,因而成为了汤姆•达施勒和比尔•弗里斯特之间的医疗改革的大规模讨论会的参议员。她在在医疗保健和能源方面担任行政职位, 并在政府及公共事务,印刷新闻方面拥有丰富经验,同时也是广播电视脱口秀主持人。她的公司康威联营公司根据他父亲与爱德华•戴明博士和宝洁工作的经验创建了独一无二的战略沟通方法。康威的作品已经出现在红皮书,今日美国,父母上,并且其书籍也由伦敦的斯普林格出版社出版。

    Dr. Annmarie Neal, former Chief Talent Officer at Cisco Systems and First Data Corporation, is founder of the Center of Leadership Innovation a worldwide consulting firm that specializes in business innovation and transformation through leadership and organizational excellence. She brings more than 20 years of global experience consulting with business executives and senior leaders across a range of industries to her writing, speaking engagements, business management, and consultation. She has provided expert commentary for many publications, including The Wall Street Journal. She has contributed to books and magazines on executive leadership, including The Executive Guide to Integrated Talent Management, Talent Management: Strategies for Success, and T+D magazine. She wrote the Infoline Developing a Leadership Strategy, as well as articles for the Organization Development journal and Conference Board. Dr. Neal lives in Silverthorne, Colorado.

    Karen Conway is a frequently requested international speaker and author, especially on the topic of how collaboration and alignment across diverse stakeholders can drive industry transformation. She is at ease moderating large-scale discussions on healthcare reform between Senators Tom Daschle and Bill Frist, as she is while building consensus among environmentalists and oil and gas producers. Conway has held executive positions in healthcare and energy and has extensive experience in government and public affairs, print journalism, and as a radio and television talk show host. Her firm Conway Associates created a unique approach to strategic communication based on her father’s firsthand experience working with Dr. W. Edwards Deming and Procter & Gamble. Conway s work has appeared in Redbook, USA Today, Parenting, and also in books published by Springer in London.


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