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    上传日期:2013-5-23 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 13851013B62416

    English Summary/英文概要: Milena was born in prison, where she grew up. For the first three years of her life, she slept in a cell and knew nothing but bars, walls and prison guards. Now, she is twenty four years, old and she takes care of her aging mother and works with young children born in jail, children in her same predicament. Children like Marlon who is nearing the age at which he will be taken away from his mother, a convinct whose prison sentence is nowhere near over. Milena shares her free time with Eugene, a boy who grew up with her in prison. Eugene, her best friend and fearless buddy, became her lover in a natural and unquestioning way when they reached adolescence. Milena is in her comfort zone with him; Eugene understands her.

    When Milena is interviewed by a journalist writing a story on children in prison, her convictions begin to shatter. For the first time, she sees that there is an alternative, a life full of opportunities and possibilities, a world beyond prison walls. And love, romantic love, rather than the comfortable companionship she has always known with Eugene.

    But when you are born in captivity, love can represent the biggest threat of all.

    A powerful story of desire and isolation told through the eyes of a young woman born in prison, whose life is tormented by a sense of guilt and duty. Milena’s struggle with her past will determine whether or not she finds the courage to fall in love A story that reveals the darkness hidden within every virtue and every love...and the instinctive human desire to save oneself through others.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 米莱娜在监狱出生,长大。在她的生命的头三年里,她睡在一个单元格,什么都不知道,除了酒吧,墙壁和狱警。现在,她二十四岁,她需要照顾年迈的母亲,和出生在监狱的孩子一起工作,孩子们面临和她一样的困境。孩子们喜欢马龙,他是一个罪犯,要到离开母亲的年龄了,他的刑期远未结束。米莱娜与和她一起在监狱长大的男孩尤金分享她的空闲时间。尤金是她最好的朋友和勇敢的哥们,当他们在青春期的时候,很自然的成为了她的爱人。米莱娜和他一起在安乐窝中,他很了解她。


    但是当你在监狱出生,爱可以成为最大的威胁。 通过一个在监狱出生的年轻女子的眼睛讲述了一个关于欲望和隔离的故事,她的生活一直被内疚和责任折磨。米莱娜与她的过去抗争,来决定是否有勇气坠入爱河,这揭示了每一个隐藏在爱情和道德故事后面的黑暗。。。和人类通过别人来自救的本能。(LNL)


    About the Author/作者介绍: Rosella Postorino首次以短篇小说“女孩你应该知道”亮相(Einaudi Stile Libero),其次是“上面的房间”( Neri Pozza 2007),赢得了Premo Strega和Premio Rapallo Carige Opera Prima将。她的第二本小说,“L’estate che predemmo dio”亦获各种文学奖。Rosella Postorino来自利古里亚,目前住在罗马,在那里她是Einaudi Stile Libero的编辑。

    Rosella Postorino debuted with a short story in “Girls you should know” (Einaudi Stile Libero), followed by LA STANZA DI SOPRA (Neri Pozza 2007) which won the selezion Premo Strega, Premio Rapallo Carige Opera Prima. Her second novel, “L’estate che predemmo dio” (Einaudi Stile Libero 2009 ) also won various literary prizes. Originally from Liguria, Rosella Postorino currently lives in Rome where she works as an editor for Einaudi Stile Libero.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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