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    上传日期:2013-5-22 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 12100013B62380

    English Summary/英文概要: And just as your plan is developing, so you’re evolving, too. You’re changing in ways you never would have thought possible before. But that’s acceptable to you. You’re prepared to do whatever it takes . . . Why? Because you’re the specialist. And that’s how you’re going to succeed.
    What do you do if your fiancée goes missing, presumed taken?
    If you’re Daniel Trent, a highly-trained specialist in hostage negotiation, the answer is simple: You find out who took her and you make them talk.
    But what if your chief suspect is kidnapped? How do you get him back quickly - and alive?
    Set in Marseille, Dead Line is a fast-paced thriller that pitches the reader into Daniel’s world, as he tries desperately to secure the release of Jérôme Moreau from a ruthless gang in order to interrogate him on the whereabouts of his fiancée. When things don’t go according to plan however, Daniel must use all his skills and instincts to find the answers he’s looking for, but will he be in time?

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 一切都按照你的計劃進行,連你自己也捲入這個計劃中。你總是用你從未想過的方式來做事。但是你願意接受這個方式並且為其付出任何代價……因為你是一名談判專家,而這是你成功的方法。
    如果你是像Daniel Trent一樣的綁架談判專家,那麼答案很簡單:找到誰帶走了她,和他們交談。
    故事的場景在馬賽,這是一本節奏緊湊的懸疑小說,將帶領讀者進入Daniel的世界。他孤注一擲,從一個殘忍的歹徒手中確保Jérôme Moreau的安全,因為Jérôme Moreau向後者質問他未婚妻的所在。當事情的發生遠超他的預期,Daniel必須發揮他所有的技能和直覺去尋找答案。不過他能在最後期限前辦到嗎?(Flora)


    About the Author/作者介绍: Chris Ewan

    is the bestselling and award-winning author of seven novels: The Good Thief’s Guide to Amsterdam, The Good Thief’s Guide to Paris, The Good Thief’s Guide to Vegas, The Good Thief’s Guide to Venice, The Good Thief’s Guide to Berlin and the standalone thriller, Safe House. Dead Line, Chris’s latest standalone thriller, will be published in the UK by Faber & Faber in August 2013. In 2011, he was voted one of America’s favourite British authors by a Huffington Post poll.
    The Good Thief’s Guide to Amsterdam won the Long Barn Books First Novel Award and went on to be published in 11 countries. The Good Thief’s Guide to Amsterdam, Paris, Vegas and Venice have all been shortlisted for CrimeFest’s annual Last Laugh Award.
    Born in Taunton in 1976, Chris graduated from the University of Nottingham with a degree in American Studies with a minor in Canadian Literature, and later trained as a lawyer. He now lives on the Isle of Man with his wife Jo, their daughter Jessica and their labrador Maisie, where he writes full time.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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