  • To
    定价:12.99 英镑
    上传日期:2013-5-21 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 02000013B62367

    English Summary/英文概要: Nicky has always known Russell was rich, but he has no idea how astronomically rich Russell is until his friend drops dead, on his 50th birthday, in his San Francisco mansion, with Nicky as the only witness. For forty years the two men have kept up their friendship, with Russell’s birthday offering him an annual opportunity to remind Nicky of how much more successful Russell is, and how much further he has come since their English suburban childhood. And now Nicky has come up with an uncharacteristically daring plan. If Nicky were to become Russell and leave his old life lying dead on the bathroom floor, then he, his wife Sarah and their daughter Scarlett could start again. Only with better clothes, better hair, better stuff and a better future: everything that money can buy. Especially happiness. But when the foundations of their glittering new existence start to crack, the impact of Nicky’s hasty decision begins to be felt by all those around him: by his daughter; by his own distant, confused father; by a young English woman who has come to America in search of her father, and by the mysterious Catherine, an ex-soldier who seems to take an unhealthy interest in Nicky’s movements...Sharp, funny, warm and acutely observed, Wake Up Happy Every Day is a novel about dreams and delusions, family and friendship, and what happens if you do actually find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 尼基一直都知道罗素很富有,但他从来都不知道罗素究竟是怎样的巨富,直到罗素在自己50岁生日的当天突然死亡在自己旧金山的家中,而尼基是唯一的目击证人。40年来两个男人一直维持着他们的友情,每当罗素生日,他都会邀请尼基来参加并给他提供一个一年一度的机遇,然而他的举动只是一次次地提醒了尼基罗素是一个多么成功的人士,并且距离两人在英国郊区共度的童年,罗素已然一天天取得了巨大的成就。突然间尼基脑海中划过了一个大胆的计划。如果他从此变成罗素,让过去的自己成为那个躺在洗漱间地板之上的人,那么他和妻子莎拉以及女儿斯卡利特都将拥有一次全新的人生。他们会有更好的衣服、更美的发行、更优秀的员工以及更美好的未来:这一切都可以通过金钱来获得,尤其是幸福和快乐。然而当他们的美好新生活开始一点点坍塌时,尼基仓促之下的决定似乎也开始逐渐为众人所发现;首先是他的女儿;他不甚亲近却迷惑不已的父亲;一名前来美国寻父的英国女人;以及神秘的凯瑟琳---一名对尼基的一举一动极为感兴趣的前女军官。。。。。。《开心度日》是一部语言犀利风趣,却又不乏温暖之处和敏锐洞见的小书,有关于梦想和错觉,家庭与友情,以及就在你以为一切都遥不可及,却又真实的发现了专属于自己的意外收获时,你又将何去何从。(DC)

    Awards/获奖情况:《生活!死亡!嘉奖!》是一部淳朴、风趣且暖人心扉的小书,充满了出人意料的柔情和希望---一部佳作!---A. L.肯尼迪 如是评价《生活!死亡!嘉奖!》



    About the Author/作者介绍: 斯蒂芬•梅的第一部作品《标签》曾由威尔士的一家小出版社出版发行,并荣获2009年度“威尔士读者选择奖”。他的第二部作品《生活!死亡!嘉奖!》已于2012年由Bloomsbury出版社出版发行并入围2012年度科斯塔小说奖及英国《卫报》的“非图书奖”终决选。作者出生于贝德福德,现居约克郡西部,并在那里工作。 www.sdmay.com @RealStephenMay

    Stephen May’s first novel Tag was published by a small Welsh press and won the Reader’s Choice Award at the 2009 Welsh Book of the Year. His second, Life! Death! Prizes!, was published by Bloomsbury in 2012 and was shortlisted for the 2012 Costa Novel Award and the Guardian’s ’Not the Booker Prize’. Originally from Bedford, he now lives and works in west Yorkshire. www.sdmay.com @RealStephenMay


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