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    上传日期:2013-5-21 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 02000013B62353

    English Summary/英文概要: Thirteen-year-old Satomi Baker is used to being different. It is 1939, and in rural west-coast California being half-white and half-Japanese gets you noticed. Her parents seem so happy together, and so proud to be American, but she has never felt she exactly fits in - even though her striking looks have caught the eye of the most popular boy at school. When war is declared, Satomi’s father Aaron is one of the first to sign up, and he is sent to the base at Pearl Harbour. He never returns. News of the Japanese attack transmits through the Bakers’ crackling radio. Satomi’s strong, stoical mother Tamura is flung into a private realm of grief - while all around them the world changes irrevocably. The community that has tolerated its foreign residents for decades suddenly turns on them, and along with thousands of other Japanese-American citizens (and anyone with ’one drop of Japanese blood’ in them) they are sent to a brutal labour camp in the wilderness which future generations will choose to forget.
    At Manzanar Satomi learns what it takes to survive, who she can trust, and what it means to be American. But it will be years before she will discover who she really is under the surface of her skin. A Girl Like You is her story, and the riveting and moving story of a lost generation.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 13岁的里美•贝克一直以来都是与众不同的。在1939年的加利福尼亚西海岸郊区,一半白人一半日本人的面庞总是格外的引人注目。尽管她的父母作为美国人幸福且自豪的生活着,也不论她突出的外表吸引了学校多少帅哥们的注意,她本人却从未真正的感到融入其中过。战争即将打响,里美的父亲自告奋勇的从军了,并被分到了美军在珍珠港的基地之中。然而他却再也没有回来过,广播上有关于日本偷袭的消息几乎穿透了贝克家的收音机。里美原本坚强冷静的母亲如今已深陷悲伤之中----在她们的身边世界正以不可扭转的方式惊人的变化着。曾经那个接纳她们这些外国移民数十年的社区在一夕之间突然变得敌对起来,与其他成千上万名日裔美国人们一样(只要有一丝一毫的日裔血统),她们被送往了一个位于荒野之外的可怕而野蛮的劳改营,这段经历是后代们绝不想忆起的经历。 在曼扎拿集中营里,里美学会了生存之道,她学会了究竟谁值得信任,而又究竟何为美国人。殊不知当她真正意识到隐藏在肤色背后的真正的自己将会是几年之后的事情了。《妳》不仅仅是关于一名女孩的故事,更是讲述了她那迷茫一代的生动而感人的故事。(DC)

    Awards/获奖情况:Here is a fresh, surprising new examination of Manzanar, a shameful time in our country’s history. Lindley’s novel is so involving and original that I plan to recommend it to everyone I know (Jo-Ann Mapson, author of Solomon’s Oak and Finding Casey)

    Priase for The Private Papers of Eastern Jewel:

    ’Riveting - Maureen Lindley brings Eastern Jewel and her world vividly to life with a wealth of fascinating details in this captivating novel(Jung Chang, author of Wild Swans)

    An exotic story of sexual promiscuity, opium and opulence ... A promising work (The Mail on Sunday)

    Essential ... a thrilling read (Harper’s Bazaar)

    A breathtaking account of a ruthless and beautiful princess who betrayed her heritage to spy for the Japanese (Adeline Yen Mah, author of Falling Leaves)

    A sweeping coming-of-age novel (Western Mail)

    About the Author/作者介绍: 莫琳•林德利出生在伯克郡出生并在苏格兰长大。她曾做过摄影师、古董商、服装设计师,最终于受训后成为了一名心理治疗师。她有一名女儿,现与丈夫居住在威尔士边境的威河谷地。本书是她的第一部小说作品。

    Maureen Lindley was born in Berkshire and grew up in Scotland. Having worked as a photographer, antique dealer and dress designer, she eventually trained as a psychotherapist. She has one daughter and lives in the Wye valley on the Welsh borders with her husband. This is her first novel.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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