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    定价:0.00 美元
    上传日期:2013-5-20 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 06840013B62332

    English Summary/英文概要: ONE PUNCH FROM THE PROMISED LAND is the unforgettable true story of boxing’s most famous brothers, who emerged from the crushing poverty of a St. Louis ghetto to attain, within years of each other, the world heavyweight championship during boxing’s golden age. Once th ultimate underdogs, these brothers fought with legends Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson over the course of their careers.

    As the first ever portrait of the Spinks Brothers’ stunning rise to fame, ONE PUNCH also chronicles the divergent paths the brothers took to end at startlingly different stations in life: the multimillionaire Michael retired and living in quiet luxury; the impoverished Leon broken in both body and mind, returned to the projects he’d once fought so hard to escape. Their unique reigns as world heavyweight champions reveal both the glory of the most prestigious title in boxing, and its dark, transformative effects.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 《在允许范围内的一拳》是关于拳击界最著名的兄弟俩难忘的真实故事。他们来自极度贫困的圣路易斯贫民区,多年来一直和对方在一起,是拳击的黄金时代的世界重量级冠军。他们曾经处在下风,这些兄弟在其职业生涯中与传奇人物穆罕默德•阿里和泰森一起战斗。


    Awards/获奖情况:“I’ve lived in St. Louis more than half of my life. I first crossed paths with the Spinks brothers in 1976. Yet, all I knew of Michael and Leon were their ring records and the public caricatures of their personalities. Steady, dependable Michael. Wild, self-destructive Leon. Well written and deeply sourced, ONCE PUNCH FROM THE PROMISED LAND fills in a lot of blanks.” —Bob Costas, a 22-time Emmy Award winner, NBC sportscaster and host of Costas Tonight

    "This is a book about two brothers who became heavyweight champions and a relationship that stretches across the bonds of poverty and hope, fragility and strength. This is the way it happened with the Brothers Spinks. It’s a story that transcends boxing. I know. I was there." --Jerry Izenberg, sports columnist for The Star-Ledger, four time Pulitzer Prize nominee for sports reporting, and author of THROUGH MY EYES

    “The first brothers to both claim the world heavyweight championship, Leon and Michael Spinks finally have a book worthy of the unlikely dramatic arc of their gap-toothed lives. Theirs is a unique story—about not only realizing the dream of rising to great heights, but also the struggle to stay there. John Florio and Ouisie Shapiro deliver a vivid and compelling dual biography populated by the giants and demons of boxing’s last golden age."—Jeremy Schaap, ESPN reporter and New York Times bestselling author of CINDERELLA MAN

    About the Author/作者介绍: 约翰•弗洛里奥近20年来一直都是广告和电视作家。他请教了美国职业棒球大联盟,一起创作了纪录片《一切都是艺术》,并且制作了系列大受欢迎的美国革命节目。他也是一位多才多艺的音乐家,并为ESPN,、ESPN Classic、和NBC创造了经典配乐。

    约翰持有创意写作的硕士学位,市场营销的工商管理硕士,以及自由研究的硕士学位。他还曾在纽约市的几所高校担任教师,包括圣约翰大学和 FIT。在那里他教写作,音乐,广告和流行符号。

    Ouisie Shapiro是四次艾美奖获奖作家,制作人,她在体育纪录片方面有超过25年的经验。她的电视作品包括的HBO纪录片隆巴迪;乔•路易斯,美国的英雄背叛;打破跨栏:整合的大学足球;敢于梦想:美国女子足球队的故事;以及从零开始的九局。她还创作写了关于杰克•登普西、桑尼•利斯顿、诺奇•马西亚诺、诺奇•格拉齐亚诺、雷纳德和霍亚的纪录片ESPN SportsCentury。她也是三本儿童书籍的作者,并拥有纽约大学新闻学硕士学位。

    John Florio has spent the last 20 years as an advertising and television writer. He has consulted with Major League Baseball Productions, cocreated the documentary Everything is Art, and produced the series American Revolutionaries for Ovation TV. He is also an accomplished musician and has created soundtracks for ESPN, ESPN Classic, and NBC.

    John holds an MFA in creative writing, an MBA in marketing, and an MA in liberal studies. He has also held faculty positions at several colleges in NYC, including St. John’s University and FIT, where he taught writing, music, advertising and pop symbolism.

    Ouisie Shapiro is a fourtime Emmy awardwinning writer/producer with more than 25 years of experience in sports documentaries. Her TV credits include the HBO documentaries Lombardi; Joe Louis, America’s Hero Betrayed; Breaking the Huddle: The Integration of College Football; Dare to Dream: The Story of the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team; and Nine Innings from Ground Zero. She has also produced and written ESPN SportsCentury documentaries on Jack Dempsey, Sonny Liston, Rocky Marciano, Rocky Graziano, Sugar Ray Leonard, and Oscar De La Hoya. She is the author of three children’s books and holds an MA in Journalism from New York University.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

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