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    上传日期:2013-5-17 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 13566013B62314

    English Summary/英文概要: Chip has always been a tree-climbin’, fish-catchin’ daddy’s girl. So when Mama moves her and her sisters to Grandma’s house without Daddy, Chip struggles to find her place in a family full of beauty queens.

    Just when she feels like she’ll never make her new life work, Chip stumbles upon Miss Vernie’s School of Charm. Could bizarre beauty lessons and peculiar pageant tricks be the key to making Chip’s wishes a reality?

    Full of spirit, hope, and a hint of magic, this enchanting debut novel tells the tale of one girl’s struggle with a universal question: How do you stay true to yourself and find a way to belong at the same time?

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 一直以来,奇普都是一个跟在父亲身后爬树和抓鱼的小女孩。因此,当妈妈带着她和妹妹离开父亲,搬到外祖母的房子里后,奇普不得不在一个充满着貌美皇后的家庭中挣扎生存。



    Awards/获奖情况:奇普和两个妹妹从未见过和她们感情淡薄的外祖母,但随着父亲的离世,她们的母亲带着全家搬到了儿时的小屋里。尽管祖母已经决定要让她们去参加道格伍德小姐举办的选美比赛,假小子天性的奇普还是对此心怀畏惧。令人哭笑不得的是,最终她却在附近的魅力学校中找到了自己的一席栖身之地,在那里,善良和蔼并且十分支持她的道格伍德小姐将所有的11岁以下的小孩子们都纳入在她的羽翼之下。当奇普开始逐渐认识另外两名学生并加入她们的非传统模式的选美训练后,她开始更好的认识自己。细微的改变令奇普不由得好奇是否校名里的那个“魅力”还蕴含着一些魔力而不是魅力。尽管这一章节中自然地提及了其故事设定的背景,1977年的卡罗琳娜州北部,却还是主要解决了一系列普遍性的主题:情感隔阂,矛盾冲突集合,自知以及北上。全书文风简洁而不失乐趣,叙述流畅并最终发展成为令人读来满意万分的结局。— 卡洛琳•菲兰

    Chip and her two sisters have never met their emotionally distant grandmother, but following their father’s death, Mama moves the family back into her childhood home. While Grandma is fixated on preparing the girls for the Miss Dogwood pageant, nature-loving tomboy Chip balks at the idea. Ironically, she finds a haven in the nearby School of Charm, where kind, supportive Miss Vernie takes the 11-year-old under her wing. As Chip gets to know the two other students and joins in their nontraditional training for the beauty pageant, she comes to understand herself better. Chip’s subtle transformation leaves her wondering whether the word charm in the school’s name might have more to do with magic than with beauty. While this chapter book includes cultural references specific to its setting, North Carolina in 1977, it deals with universal themes such as emotional isolation, intergenerational conflict, self-knowledge, and grief. Simply written and engaging, the narrative gathers steam as it travels along to its satisfying conclusion.— Carolyn Phelan

    About the Author/作者介绍: 丽莎•安•斯科特曾是一名电视新闻工作者,目前她迷恋上了构想故事,而不是执念于现实。此外,作者还在纽约上东区从事配音演员的工作,并与丈夫、两个孩子、一只狗,一群猫以及锦鲤生活在一起。本书是其第一步中等难度的小说作品。

    Lisa Ann Scott is a former TV news anchor who now enjoys making up stories instead of sticking to the facts. She also works as a voice actor in upstate New York, where she lives with her husband, two kids, dog, cats, and koi fish. This is her first middle-grade novel.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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