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    上传日期:2013-5-17 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 13566013B62313

    English Summary/英文概要: In October 2010 the authors became exclusive providers of grief- and grief-recovery-related content on a memorial website called Tributes.com, a site that receives approximately three million unique hits per month, and to which readers submit very personal and unique grief-related questions. Collected in this book are not only a bounty of personal and often moving questions but also the authors’ equally compelling responses and tips for using the Grief Recovery Method to deal with broken hearts. The book not only deals with grief from loss of a loved one, but also the grieving that occurs following a divorce, a sudden downturn in health, the loss of a job, and even the loss of faith.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 2010年10月作者成为悲痛的独家供应商,悲痛恢复相关纪念网站Tributes.com上的内容,一个每个月大约三百万的点击率的网站,和读者提交非常私人的和独特的悲痛相关问题。在这本书不仅是收集的个人和感动常在的问题也是作者的悲伤同样引人注目的反应和建议使用恢复方法处理破碎的心。这本书不仅涉及从失去亲人的悲伤,但也发生离婚后的悲痛,突然下滑的健康,失去一份工作,甚至丧失的信心。(LNL)

    Awards/获奖情况:这么多的生活取决于我们如何处理好发生的不可避免的损失。超越损失充满了准确和有用的指导来处理死亡、离婚,和其他损失。(Holly Prigerson 博士,哈佛医学院精神病学副教授,和心理肿瘤学和纾缓保健研究在 Dana-Farber爱癌症研究所的主任)

    正确的问题,正确的答案。对任何遭受损失的人来说是建议的宝库。 (Allen Frances, 杜克大学医学中心的医学博士DSM-IV特遣部队,和杜克大学医学院名誉教授)

    没有人,并没有人比 Russell Friedman 和John W. James对悲痛、失去以及如何从当中恢复懂得更多了。他们在此书中所做的开创工作毫无疑问救了我的命,肯定的是他们已经拯救了无数的生命免除现实的毁灭或者无尽的痛苦中。如果你在遭受痛苦,沉溺其中对悲痛感到失落,让这本新书成为你安宁的新篇章。我向你保证它会拯救你。 (Jim Beaver,Deadwood, Supernatural中的演员,《生活就那样》的作者)

    我们家足够幸运获得Russell 和John解决影响我们生活损失的直接指导。这本书帮助人们意识到从损失中恢复是可能的,并且有实际的方法可以帮助他们。这本书在每个人的家中应作为前沿和中心的一本参考书——一本情感上的谷歌 (Nick Searcy, 演员,对齐)

    悲痛是一个许多人不敢真正深入探索的几个未知领域之一。此书结合了实际的指导和临床智慧提供一个景观帮助哀悼者更好地理解之旅的悲伤。(Joanne Cacciatore, 博士,金融时报,MISS基金会创始人兼美国亚利桑那州立大学助理教授)

    So much of life depends on how well we deal with the inevitable losses that occur. Moving Beyond Loss is filled with accurate and helpful guidance for dealing with death, divorce, and other losses.(Holly Prigerson, Ph.D., associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and director of the Center for Psycho-Oncology and Palliative Care Research at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute )

    Just the right questions, just the right answers. A treasure trove of good advice for anyone suffering the pain of loss. (Allen Frances, Duke University Medical Center, M.D., DSM-IV Task Force; and professor emeritus, Duke University School of Medicine )

    No one, and I mean no one, knows as much about grief, loss, and how to recover from both than Russell Friedman and John W. James. The work they pioneered in The Grief Recovery Handbook saved my life in no uncertain terms, and surely they have saved countless other lives from either actual extinction or endless pain. If you are suffering, drowning, despairing in grief and loss, let this new book be your passage to peace. It will rescue you; I promise. (Jim Beaver, star of Deadwood, Supernatural, and author of Life’s That Way )

    My family has been fortunate enough to have direct guidance from Russell and John in dealing with the losses that have affected our lives. Moving Beyond Loss will help people become aware that recovery from loss is even possible, and that there’s a practical Method that can help them. This book should be front and center in everyone’s home as a reference book—an Emotional Google. (Nick Searcy, actor, Justified )

    Grief is one of those uncharted territories that many dare not really explore deeply. Moving Beyond Loss combines practical guidance with clinical wisdom to provide a landscape which helps mourners better understand the journey through grief. (Joanne Cacciatore, Ph.D, FT, MISS Foundation founder and assistant professor, Arizona State University )

    About the Author/作者介绍: John W. James 和 Russell Friedman是畅销书籍《悲痛恢复手册》《当孩子们悲伤》《先前看》的联合作者。他们也是《悲痛恢复方法》的创作者,他们一起在洛杉矶经营悲痛恢复机构。

    John W. James and Russell Friedman are co-authors of the bestselling Grief Recovery Handbook, When Children Grieve, and Moving On. They are the creators of The Grief Recovery Method, and together they run the Grief Recovery Institute in Los Angeles.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

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