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    上传日期:2013-5-17 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 08136013B62312

    English Summary/英文概要: Fish Pescado is a private investigator. He’d much rather be surfing than wading through the criminal hot spots of Cape Town. But he needs to earn money. So when his new girlfriend, the luscious lawyer Vicki Kahn, from a high-powered firm with ties to the government, sets him loose on an insurance case, Fish casts a longing look at the waves but does what he’s asked. In no time at all he’s raised the anger of the police commissioner and an agent from the National Intelligence Agency has been ordered to kill him. He is also being threatened by some gangsters with a line in drugs and rhino horn that they need to safeguard from his prying.

    But then the police commissioner, Jacob Mkezi, also has a line in rhino horn that he’d like to protect. And unfortunately Fish’s inquiries are not only jeopardising the commissioner’s scheme to sell the rhino horn, they’re also raising another issue about Jacob Mkezi: his past.

    Jacob Mkezi is a man with a secret that reaches back into the days of the apartheid Special Branch. He was a double agent for the State and the liberation movement’s armed wing. His activities for the State involved being a member of a hit team. He’s managed to kill off most of the team over the years but there is one man left who is prepared to reveal Mkezi’s past. That man is Daro Attilane, Fish Pescado’s surfing buddy. First Daro disappears, then a gunman breaks in on Fish and Vicki…

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 鱼•佩斯卡是一个私家侦探。比起在刑事热点的开普敦涉水前行,他更愿意去冲浪,但是,他需要挣钱。所以当他的新女朋友维姬•卡恩,一个在和政府有密切联系的高权利公司上班的甜美律师,让他在一个保险案例中松一松时,鱼向着海浪投下了渴望的目光,但是没有违背他对自己的要求。很快,警察局长对他的愤怒上升了,以及代理国家情报局已经下令杀他。同时他也被一些在毒品和犀牛角有线的歹徒威胁,因为他们需要从他的侦探中得到保护。




    About the Author/作者介绍: 迈克•尼科尔出生并生活在开普敦。除了他的刑事小说,他还创作了四部已经由布卢姆斯•伯里和克诺夫出版的文学小说和几部非小说类书籍。迈克前三部曲(回报,国家杀手和黑心)的版权已经出售给德国的BTB,法国的Flammarion,以及南非的Umuzi和英国的 Old Street。BTB去年出版了德国版的《回报》和《国家杀手》,它们都连续几个星期排在时代周报犯罪小说类排行榜的顶部,并重印了五次。《国家杀手》也被列入2012年时代周报的十大最佳犯罪小说。 Flammarion刚刚在 Ombres Noires出版了法国版,就得到了许多极好的评论。

    Mike Nicol was born and lives in Cape Town. In addition to his crime writing, he is also the author of four literary novels published by Bloomsbury and Knopf and a number of non-fiction titles. Rights to Mike’s previous trilogy (PAYBACK, KILLER COUNTRY and BLACK HEART) were sold to btb in Germany, Flammarion in France, Umuzi in South Africa and Old Street in the UK. btb published the German editions of PAYBACK and KILLER COUNTRY last year and both spent several weeks at the top of Die Zeit’s crime fiction list, reprinting five times to date. KILLER COUNTRY was also included in Die Zeit’s list of the ten best crime novels of 2012. Flammarion have just published in France under their Ombres Noires imprint and are already getting some fabulous reviews.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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