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    定价:32.95 美元
    上传日期:2013-5-17 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 02820013B62311

    English Summary/英文概要: This deeply researched book describes one of the great forgotten battles of the 20th century. At its height it involved nearly a million Chinese and Japanese soldiers, while sucking in three million civilians as unwilling spectators and, often, victims. It turned what had been a Japanese adventure in China into a general war between the two oldest and proudest civilizations of the Far East. Ultimately, it led to Pearl Harbor and to seven decades of tumultuous history in Asia. The Battle of Shanghai was a pivotal event that helped define and shape the modern world.
    In its sheer scale, the struggle for China’s largest city was a sinister forewarning of what was in store for the rest of mankind only a few years hence, in theaters around the world. It demonstrated how technology had given rise to new forms of warfare, or had made old forms even more lethal. Amphibious landings, tank assaults, aerial dogfights and most importantly, urban combat, all happened in Shanghai in 1937. It was a dress rehearsal for World War II-or perhaps more correctly it was the inaugural act in the war-the first major battle in the global conflict.
    Actors from a variety of nations were present in Shanghai during the three fateful autumn months when the battle raged. The rich cast included China’s ascetic Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and his Japanese adversary, General Matsui Iwane, who wanted Asia to rise from disunity, but ultimately pushed the continent toward its deadliest conflict ever. Claire Chennault, later of "Flying Tiger" fame, was among the figures emerging in the course of the campaign, as was First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. In an ironic twist, Alexander von Falkenhausen, a stern German veteran of the Great War, abandoned his role as a mere advisor to the Chinese army and led it into battle against the Japanese invaders.
    Written by Peter Harmsen, a foreign correspondent in East Asia for two decades, and currently bureau chief in Taiwan for the French news agency AFP, Shanghai 1937 fills a gaping chasm in our understanding of the Second World War.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 这本经过深入研究的书描述了20世纪一场被遗忘的伟大战役。在其鼎盛时期,涉及近100万中国和日本士兵,同时吸引了300万平民作为观众,也是受害者。它把日本在中国的冒险变成了远东两个最古老、最自豪的文明之间的全面战争。最终导致了珍珠港事件,并导致了亚洲长达70年的动荡历史。上海之战是一个有助于定义和塑造现代世界的关键事件。就其规模而言,争夺中国最大城市的斗争是一个不祥的预兆,预示着仅仅几年后,在世界各地的剧院里,人类将面临什么。它展示了技术是如何产生新的战争形式的,或者使旧的战争形式更加致命。两栖登陆、坦克攻击、空中混战,最重要的是城市战斗,都发生在1937年的上海。这是第二次世界大战的彩排,也许更正确地说,这是这场战争的第一幕,也是全球冲突中的第一场重大战役。在这场战争肆虐的三个决定性的秋季月,来自不同国家的演员都出现在上海。演员阵容丰富,包括中国的蒋介石和他的日本对手岩内松井。岩内希望亚洲从分裂中崛起,但最终将亚洲推向了有史以来最致命的冲突。克莱尔·陈纳德,后来因飞虎队而出名,和第一夫人埃莉诺·罗斯福一样,也是此次竞选中涌现的人物之一。具有讽刺意味的是,一位严厉的二战老兵亚历山大·冯·法尔肯豪森放弃了他作为中国军队顾问的角色,带领中国军队投入了抗击日本侵略者的战斗。彼得·哈姆森在东亚担任了20年的外国记者,现任法国法新社驻台湾分社社长。他撰写的《1937年的上海》填补了我们对第二次世界大战理解的巨大鸿沟。(ZY)







    “这是对一场鲜为人知的战斗的引人入胜的描述,几乎没有其他人能在这个层面上解决这个话题。”——《Stone and Stone》


    “我衷心推荐它。即使你认为你知道关于第二次世界大战的一切,如果你没有读过中日冲突,你也错过了它的主要根源之一。”——PJ Media







    About the Author/作者介绍: 彼得·哈姆森在国立台湾大学学习历史,他在东亚担任外国记者已有20年。他主要关注汉语国家,几乎对该地区的每个角落都进行了报道,包括蒙古和朝鲜。阅读他的博客www.chinaww2.com

    Peter Harmsen, who studied history at National Taiwan University, has been a foreign correspondent in East Asia for two decades. He has focused mainly on the Chinese-speaking countries, but has reported from nearly every corner of the region, including Mongolia and North Korea. Read his blog at www.chinaww2.com


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