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    上传日期:2013-5-13 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 04300013B62191

    English Summary/英文概要: One morning twelve-year-old Fred wakes up with an unaccountable sense of foreboding, which his friend Bul-Boo, one of the twins from next door, insists is just in his imagination. However, the feeling persists – and grows stronger when Fred’s terrifying great-granny, Nokokulu, asks him to accompany her on a trip to an ancient burial site known as the Place of Death. Then Bul-Boo overhears her parents talking about patients going missing from her mother’s AIDS clinic, and when one of the patients turns out to be Fred’s Aunt Kiki, the children suddenly view Nokokulu’s trip in a different light. Could the two events somehow be linked? As the three friends and the old woman journey into the heart of Zambia, each of them hopes to right wrongs, both past and present … but dark clouds are gathering and ancient magic is in the air.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 一日早晨,12岁的弗雷德带着一种难以言喻的不祥预感从睡梦中醒来,而住在隔壁的小伙伴---双胞胎之一的波尔波则声称这只不过是他的幻觉而已。然而这种不祥的预感却一直持续着,当弗雷德可怕的祖母诺克咕噜让他陪伴她前去一个名为“死亡之地”的古墓时,弗雷德不详的感觉演变的愈加强烈起来。波尔波无意间听见父母谈论母亲的艾滋病诊所里有病人无故失踪,当她发现其中的一名病人正是弗雷德的阿姨基基时,孩子们突然对诺克噜噜祖母的突然出行有了全新的看法。这两个事件间是否有着某种关联?随着三名小伙伴和年老的祖母逐渐进入赞比亚的中心地带,三人都希望能够挽回错误---不论是过去的还是现在的。。。。然而乌云已经聚集,而古老的魔法也正悄然起着作用。(DC)


    About the Author/作者介绍: 宝拉•雷登生于肯尼亚,却在南非和赞比亚度过了童年,直至回到英国进入寄宿学校并学习了数年。成年后,她继续回到南非工作并生活,起初是担任一名老师,随后进入了一家人权机构工作,在这期间,她不知疲倦地与当地的宗族隔离制度作斗争,并致力于废除南非当地的死刑刑罚。《遗忘之眠》是宝拉的第一部小说,同时也是斩获了诸多奖项的小说《蝴蝶之心》的续篇。2003年时,她与家人搬到了爱尔兰基尔肯尼的一座农场里,她在那里饲养有一些马匹,并是当地Crab Apples作家协会的一员。

    Paula Leyden was born in Kenya and spent her childhood in South Africa and Zambia before attending boarding school in England for a number of years. As an adult she went on to live and work in South Africa, first as a teacher and then for a human rights organization, during which time she campaigned tirelessly for the end of apartheid and the death penalty in South Africa. The Sleep of Forgetting is the sequel to Paula’s first novel, the award-winning The Butterfly Heart (ISBN). In 2003 she moved to a farm in Kilkenny, Ireland with her family, where she now breeds horses and is a member of the Crab Apples Writers’ Group.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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