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    定价:0.00 美元
    上传日期:2013-5-13 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 12070013B62189

    English Summary/英文概要: Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Maxine Kumin brings a disabled heroine named Lizzie to life in this exciting adventure of black markets, screeching monkeys, Florida in the summertime, and the bonds of true friendship.

    America, meet Lizzie Peterlinz, age 11. Paralyzed below the waist after slipping off a diving board two years ago, Lizzie does not let her wheelchair get in the way of her curiosity. She and her single mother are starting life over in a small town in Florida, where Lizzie’s hunger for knowledge and adventure lead her to some unlikely friends. She bonds with Josh, the only other disabled kid at her school, and they rejoice in normal kid activities, despite the awkward stares they face at school. And she and her mother make friends with some elderly neighbors, Teresa and Digger Martinez, who become Lizzie’s adopted grandparents, teaching her Spanish and encouraging her to embrace her life, difficulties and all. One of Lizzie’s favorite things to do is visit a run-down roadside petting zoo, run by a slow-moving gentle giant Lizzie and her mom affectionately call Henry the Huge. One afternoon, as Lizzie is exploring the fields behind the petting zoo, she comes across a shack full of screeching monkeys and the mysterious boy who cares for them. A man with a slick grin arrives on the scene, and Lizzie begins to uncover where the monkeys came from. With Josh and Digger’s help, she puts the pieces together, but it’s too late, the monkey thief strikes again and this time, it’s Lizzie who’s in danger.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 普利策奖得主诗人马克辛.库敏将一位名叫莉齐的残疾女主人公带入激动人心的冒险的黑市,尖叫的猴子,佛罗里达的夏季以及真正的友谊。 美国,见到11岁的莉齐.彼得林兹。自从两年前滑落跳水板后腰部以下瘫痪,莉齐没有因为轮椅而妨碍她的好奇心。她和她的单身母亲开始生活在佛罗里达一个小镇上,莉齐对知识的渴望和冒险让她认识一些看似不太可能的朋友。她与在她学校唯一的另一个残疾孩子乔什为友,他们因正常孩子活动高兴,尽管他们在学校面临尴尬的目光。她和她的母亲与一些老邻居交朋友,特蕾莎修女和迪格尔.马丁内斯,他们成为莉齐的祖父母,教她西班牙语并且鼓励她去拥抱生活,困难和所有一切。莉齐喜欢做的事情之一是造访一个破败的路边宠物动物园,由一个缓慢温和的巨人经营,莉齐和她妈妈亲切地叫亨利为巨人。一天下午,当莉齐探索宠物动物园背后领域时,她发现一间暂住满尖叫猴子的房子和照顾猴子的神秘男子。这个男人露出狡颉的笑容,莉齐知道了猴子的来处。在乔什和迪格尔的帮助下,她把这些碎片拼凑到一起,但是太晚了,猴子小偷再次攻击,这一次,是莉齐处于危险之中。(LNL)

    Awards/获奖情况:作者Maxine Kumin於2014-2-7逝世,享壽88歲





    About the Author/作者介绍: 1981年到1982年被评为美国桂冠诗人,玛克辛.库敏已经获得普利策奖和《洛杉矶时报》奖以及露丝和莉莉诗歌奖及美国艺术与文学学院和研究所的奖。除了她的十七岁诗集、小说、成年人论文集,她是许多儿童读物的作者,包括《哦,哈利!》(巴里•莫泽插图),《凯撒是什么颜色的?》(Alison Friend插图),《乳齿象的螨虫》(Pam Zagarenski插图),《显微镜》(阿诺德•罗贝尔插图),《当曾祖母还年轻》,《当奶奶还年轻》(Don Almquist插图),《追随秋天》,《春天的故事》,《夏天的故事》,《一个冬天的朋友》(阿图尔.玛洛克维亚插图)。七故事出版社正在重新发行四本库敏绝版的5至8岁孩子的儿童书籍,与安妮•塞克斯顿合著:《鸡蛋的事情》,《更多鸡蛋的事情》(Leonard Shortall插图)和《乔伊和他的生日礼物》,《向导的眼泪》(Evaline Ness插图)。她和她的丈夫住在新罕布什尔州貂山华纳的一个农场,他们养马四十年,享受和几只获救的狗的友谊。

    Honored as America’s poet laureate from 1981 to 1982, Maxine Kumin has been the recipient of the Pulitzer Prize and the Los Angeles Times Book Prize as well as the Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize and an American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters Award. In addition to her seventeen poetry collections, novels, and essay collections for adults, she is the author of many children’s books including Oh, Harry! (illustrated by Barry Moser), What Color is Caesar? (illustrated by Alison Friend), Mites to Mastodons (illustrated by Pam Zagarenski), The Microscope (illustrated by Arnold Lobel), When Great-Grandmother Was Young and When Grandmother Was Young (illustrated by Don Almquist) and Follow the Fall, Spring Things, Summer Story, and A Winter Friend (illustrated by Artur Marokvia). Seven Stories Press is re-releasing four of Kumin’s out-of-print children’s books for kids ages 5 to 8, co-written with Anne Sexton: Eggs of Things and More Eggs of Things (illustrated by Leonard Shortall) and Joey and the Birthday Present and The Wizard’s Tears (illustrated by Evaline Ness). She and her husband live on a farm in the Mink Hills of Warner, New Hampshire, where they raised horses for forty years and enjoyed the companionship of several rescued dogs.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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