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    定价:9.99 美元
    上传日期:2013-5-13 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 01240013B62183

    English Summary/英文概要: The Plague Forge delivers an unbeatable combination of knockout action and kick-ass characters as the secrets to the ultimate alien mystery from The Darwin Elevator and The Exodus Towers are about to be unraveled.

    The hunt is on for the mysterious keys left by the alien Builders. While Skyler’s team of immune scavengers scatters around the disease-ravaged globe in search of the artifacts, Skyler himself finds much more than he expected in the African desert, where he stumbles upon surprising Builder relics—and thousands of bloodthirsty subhumans. From the slums and fortresses of Darwin to the jungles of Brazil and beyond, Skyler and company are in for a wild ride, jam-packed with daunting challenges, run-and-gun adventure, and unexpected betrayals—all in a race against time to finally answer the great questions that have plagued humanity for decades: Who are the Builders, and what do they want with Earth?

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 在发现失事的一艘建造者飞船残骸后, 斯凯勒•卢恩和他的船员跟随迁徙的奥拉塔,去寻找四件剩余的人类文明遗物。 但时间已经所剩不多了:飞船队员获悉下个建造者事件将会过去,而其中另一艘也已经落入敌手…幸存者是否能发现建造者的计划?(Sandy)

    Awards/获奖情况:This third book in "the Dire Earth cycle" continues the search by Skyler Luiken and the Belem community for the last three Builder artefacts. Even though the community leaders are in the dark as to what will happen once all five artefacts have been returned to the Builder ship in orbit above Earth, the general consensus is that the task must be completed before the final Builder event is due to take place, and if it is not the consequences for the whole of humanity could be dire. Meanwhile in Darwin, Grillo, and his Jacobites, continues to tighten his stranglehold on the city and orbitals with his extreme fundamentalism. Unfortunately for Skyler, Grillo also has possession of one of the artefacts. Without it he will be unable to finally unlock the Builders secret and uncover the real reason for all that has befallen mankind.

    About the Author/作者介绍: 詹森 M 霍夫曾是一位3D艺术家和游戏设计师(金属疲劳、外星人大战、捕食者:灭绝和其他多款游戏),2007年,信手拈来的小说写作成为了他的一个业余爱好,很快他便一发不可收拾。2008年,他作为一名Manowrimo游戏设计者,开始着手撰写了科幻小说的第一部《达尔文方舟》,直至2011年,他一直在不断地修改原稿,随即此科幻系列的后两部作品也相继问世。这套系列科幻小说在美国的7月30日发表后,就在纽约时报畅销榜单上徘徊了一周。

    Jason M. Hough was born in Illinois but grew up on the mean streets of suburban San Diego, California. In 1978, at age six, his parents took him to see Star Wars, and so began a lifelong love of sci-fi and all things geek. He later worked for a decade in the videogame industry as both a 3D artist and a game designer. Today he lives in San Diego with his wife and two young sons. When not writing, Hough enjoys building LEGO spaceships with his boys and other similarly grown-up pursuits.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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