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    定价:7.99 美元
    上传日期:2013-5-13 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 12731113B62179

    English Summary/英文概要: Perfect for readers of Susan Elizabeth Phillips and Rachel Gibson, this sizzling romance tells the story of a sexy small-town mayor and a notorious “bad girl,” who discover that home really is where the heart is.

    Monica Appleby is a woman with a reputation. Once she was America’s teenage “Wild Child,” with her own reality TV show. Now she’s a successful author coming home to Bishop, Arkansas, to pen the juicy follow-up to her tell-all autobiography. Problem is, the hottest man in town wants her gone. Mayor Jackson Davies is trying to convince a cookie giant to move its headquarters to his crumbling community, and Monica’s presence is just too . . . unwholesome for business. But the desire in his eyes sends a very different message: Stay, at least for a while.

    Jackson needs this cookie deal to go through. His town is dying and this may be its last shot. Monica is a distraction proving too sweet, too inviting—and completely beyond his control. With every kiss he can taste her loneliness, her regrets, and her longing. Soon their uncontrollable attraction is causing all kinds of drama. But when two lost hearts take a surprise detour onto the bumpy road of unexpected love, it can only lead someplace wonderful.

    “Molly O’Keefe is a unique, not-to-be-missed voice in romantic fiction.”—New York Times bestselling author Susan Andersen

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 如果你是苏珊•伊丽莎白•菲利普斯和蕾切尔•吉布森的忠实粉丝,那么这部令人心潮澎湃的浪漫小说一定会成为你的最佳选择,书中主要讲述了性感的小镇镇长与著名的“坏女孩”的故事,并最终发现家才是心灵真正的归属。 莫妮卡•阿普利比是一个颇有名气的女人。她曾凭借真人秀节目一度成为美国青少年心目中的“野孩子”。而如今她载誉归来,化身为作家,回到位于阿肯色州比谢普市的家中,开始执笔她报酬优渥的全自传。然而问题是镇上最性感的男人竟然希望她离开小镇。小镇市长杰克森•戴维斯近来正忙于为他摇摇欲坠的社区引进新生力量---说服一个餐饮巨头将根据地建立在小镇上,只是此时莫妮卡的出现显得。。。。。。各种不合时宜,尤其不利于他的商业之道。然而他眼中所透露出的欲望则悄悄传递着另一个信息:留下,不论时间长短。 杰克森需要让餐饮计划顺利的进行下去。她的小镇正在慢慢失去活力,而这次可能便是最后的机会。对他而言,莫妮卡是个令人无法心神安宁的可人儿,她总是那么甜美与诱人---令他不由得失控。每一次的亲吻中,他都仿佛能够感受到她的孤独、懊悔以及渴望。很快两人间一发不可收拾的情感引起了各种各样的闹剧。然而,随着两颗迷失的心灵一同踏上了一趟充满着惊喜与迂回的意外爱情之旅,他们来到的是另个更加美妙的圣地。 “莫莉•欧•基辅是浪漫主义小说界一道独特且不容错过的清灵之音。”—纽约时报畅销书作家苏珊•安德森(DC)


    This story was lighthearted in places a very interesting read that had me thinking for hours after finishing the book, It covered a lot of relationships friends, lovers, parent and child, brother and sister and the minefield that life in a small town can bring. Was a totally enjoyable read!

    About the Author/作者介绍: 莫莉•欧•基辅曾为Harlequin创作多部爱情小说,其中包括为其超浪漫专栏创作的作品,作者常常在博客上提及其作品。迄今为止,她以两次赢得读者选择奖浪漫主义时代奖,且于2010年荣获RITA奖最佳中篇爱情小说奖。

    Molly O’Keefe has written several romances for Harlequin, including for their Super Romance line, and she actively blogs for them. She has won two Romantic Times Readers’ Choice Awards for her work, and she also won a RITA in 2010 for Best Romance Novella.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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