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    上传日期:2013-5-13 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 13149013B62170

    English Summary/英文概要: Rumors may be the oldest medium of mass communication of information or ideas. Even before there were newspapers, radio, or television, rumors communicated by word-of-mouth made and shattered reputations, and set off riots and wars. Yet contrary to predictions, rumors continue to thrive, in spite of and parallel to mass media.

    What accounts for the puzzling persistence and continuing significance of this little-studied social phenomenon? Jean-Nöel Kapferer examines the theory and practice of rumors, focusing on specific areas such as entertainment, criminal behavior, business and finance, and politics. He describes the kinds of conditions that give birth to rumors, why we believe them, and the hidden messages they convey. Kapferer points out that rumors frequently serve useful social purposes and present rich examples. He speculates about how rumors can be controlled, changed, and prevented.

    Drawing upon contributions of disciplines ranging from psychology to history, and integrating the insights of Europeans with the latest work of American researchers, this is the most comprehensive examination of rumors, gossip, and urban legends yet published. Translated into nine languages, this edition was updated with advances in theory and research since the book’s original French publication in 1987. Its brisk, accessible style makes the book of interest to psychologists, economists, political scientists, sociologists, and folklore analysts, as well as the general reader who is curious about the origins of this fascinating social phenomenon.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 谣言或许是最古老的大众传媒介质了,可以传播信息和想法。在报纸、收音机或是电视机出现之前,传言通过口口相传就能建立或是破坏名誉,引起骚乱或是挑起战争。尽管大众媒体出现后与之并驾齐驱,传言依然无法预测,并且愈发兴盛。

    这少人研究的社会现象表现出令人困惑的持久性和延续不断的重要性,谁该对此负责呢?吉恩•诺埃尔•卡普费雷尔(Jean-Nöel Kapferer)考察了谣言的理论和实践,他专注于娱乐、犯罪行为、商业和金融和政治之类的特殊领域。他描述了产生谣言的各种条件,我们为什么相信谣言,以及谣言暗藏的信息。卡普费雷尔指出谣言总是为有利用价值的社会目的和现成的丰富实例所服务的。他推测如何控制、改变和预防谣言。


    Awards/获奖情况:“Jean-Noël Kapferer has written a serious and scholarly treatise on rumor, and one that is . . . filled with good sense . . . Books on rumor, like their topic, prove never to be the last words, but, like this one, they include words worth heeding.”—Gary Alan Fine, The Public Opinion Quarterly

    “This book, originally published in French in 1987, is a comprehensive, systematic, and fascinating analysis of the rumor process from sociological and social psychological points of view . . . This book constitutes a significant step forward in understanding rumor and a major contribution to collective behavior theory. Because of its style and abundant use of illustrative cases, it should be rewarding reading . . . No student of collective behavior can afford not to devote considerable time and thought to this work.”—Ralph H. Turner, Contemporary Sociology

    “Kapferer breaks with the Allport-Postman convention and redefines rumor, how rumors proliferate, their interpretations, and their functions in news gathering and management, criminal investigations, popular culture, the workplace, marketplace, stock market, and political arena . . . As a work in political communication Kapferer’s book complements the growing emphasis on mediated politics, constructions of political spectacle, fantasy theory, and accommodation theory . . . The result is a volume that not only reconceptualizes the study of rumor in promising ways, but proves to be refreshingly entertaining as well.”—Dan Nimmo, Social Science Quarterly

    “An engaging and well-organized review of research on the processes and effects of rumors.”—Jonathan Schroeder, Journal of Macromarketing

    About the Author/作者介绍: 吉恩•诺埃尔•卡普费雷尔(Jean-Nöel Kapferer)是巴黎蒙大高等商学院的市场营销学教授,也是国际公认的最有影响力的领导品牌方面的专家。他已经著写了超过12本书,包括《品牌管理策略》、《奢侈品战略:打破市场规则建立奢侈品牌》。

    Jean-Noël Kapferer is professor of marketing at école des Hautes études Commerciales de Paris and is internationally recognized as one of the most influential leading brand experts. He is the author of over a dozen books, including Strategic Brand Managementand The Luxury Strategy: Break the Rules of Marketing to Build Luxury Brands.


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