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    上传日期:2013-5-10 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 01890013B62141

    English Summary/英文概要: Australia is the Lucky Country, and Joey Driscol knows it. It’s a far cry from his native Ireland, but he believes this is the place he and his wife can make a new life and forget the troubles of the past. And for a time, they do just that. There’s a good life, a new house, regular work and, in time, they welcome their new son Marti into the world. But as the years pass, this new life thousands of miles from the Old Country comes under threat. Joey’s wife has been struggling with demons of her own, their marriage is on the rocks and suddenly, Joey’s wife disappears and takes Marti with her. Joey is beside himself, with no clues about where they are, with both his childhood sweetheart and his son - his pride and joy - now missing. Then, when Joey gets word that his wife and son have returned to Ireland, he knows that he’ll now have to do the same if he ever wants to see his son again. And he also knows that he’ll finally have to confront the ghosts of his past that he’s been running from for years. His Father’s Son is a touching and beautiful story of a family struggling to come to terms with their past, their present and an uncertain future.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 乔伊•德里斯科明白,澳大利亚会是他们的幸运国度。虽然距离故土爱尔兰有着万里之遥,但他坚信,自己将和妻子在这里抛开过去的烦恼,并开始他们的全新生活。他们也确实这样履行着诺言。美好的生活,全新的家,规律的工作,并且很快他们迎来了儿子马蒂的降生。然而数年过去了,他们远离过往的新生活再度处于危机之中。乔伊的妻子一直以来都在和自己的心魔作斗争,这一次,他们的婚姻濒临破裂,而一夕间,乔伊的妻子带着儿子马蒂一起失踪了。一时间,乔伊陷入极度的混乱中,他没有任何找寻的线索,他的挚爱和他的儿子---同时也是他自豪和乐趣的来源,都在一夕间消失不见了。不久,乔伊获悉妻儿已再度回到了爱尔兰,如果还想再度与儿子相见,那么他必须再度踏上故土。并且他清楚的知道,回去意味着他终将面对自己逃避了数年的来自过往的纠缠与羁绊。《父之子》讲述了一个感人且美丽的家庭故事,有关于一个家庭努力地去接受他们的过去、现在以及充满未知的未来。(DC)

    Awards/获奖情况:一个感人且激越人心的故事,真诚地探寻了父亲与儿子间的情感维系以及一代人所传给后一代人的沉重包袱。 --道格•琼斯顿

    A moving and evocative tale, a heartfelt examination of the bond between fathers and sons, and about the baggage one generation passes on to the next. --Doug Johnstone


    About the Author/作者介绍: 托尼•布莱克是一名作家,著有7部小说作品,同时他还是一名生于澳大利亚,却在苏格兰和英格兰长大的获奖记者。欧文•威尔徐曾称其为”最爱的英国犯罪小说作家“。托尼的作品与主流作品背道而驰,《父之子》是其第一部非犯罪小说类小说作品。

    Tony Black is the author of seven previous novels. An award-winning journalist, he was born in Australia and grew up in Scotland and Ireland. Described by Irvine Welsh as his ’favourite British crime writer’ Tony’s work took a turn away from the mean streets after the birth of his son. His Father’s Son is his first novel outside of the crime genre.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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