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    上传日期:2013-5-8 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 12691013B62038

    English Summary/英文概要: How well do you know your own family..? Six months after the death of her parents Vivien and Tom, 34 year-old journalist Ruby Rae is sorting out their possessions when she finds a shoe box containing photos of a young woman with a baby on a Mediterranean beach, some multi-coloured love beads, a baby’s bonnet and a guitar plectrum. She also finds a doctor’s letter addressed to her parents discussing their infertility – dated 7 months before her birth. She spots a significant gap in the family photo album - the first 6 months of Ruby’s life - and when she checks her birth certificate she sees it is stamped ‘delayed registration’. It seems that Ruby is not who she thought she was. So who is she? She contacts her mother’s old friend Frances in order to find out. Following the death of Vivien and Tom’s neighbour Pearl in 1978, Pearl’s daughter Laura returned to Dorset with her Spanish boyfriend and baby daughter – all living in a VW Camper van. Laura was a ‘free spirit’ and hadn’t even registered her baby’s birth. Vivien helped look after the child but one stormy night Laura left her at the house and never came back. For years, Vivien and Tom had longed for a child, so they brought up Ruby, registering her as their own, so that she would not be claimed back by the authorities. Ruby decides to try and track down Laura to fill in the gaps of her birth story and find out why she gave her away. Sister Julia is living in a remote convent in Ricoroque in Fuerteventura and reflecting on the events of the Spanish Civil War that led to her being abandoned by her family and ‘given’ to the church. She worked for Dr Lopez in a maternity clinic in Barcelona where she helped ‘Fallen Women’ who were giving birth to babies often destined for adoption. Gradually, she learnt that the women were being pressurised to give up their children or even being told they were dead; the babies were then taken by the ‘right’ kind of family - of Nationalist values. Although Sister Julia was powerless to prevent this practice, she comforted the women and kept the evidence - a book listing the mothers, the children and the adoptive parents, which she called The Book of Names. In 1978 when she finally learnt the extent of the corruption, she rebelled and was sent away to the convent in Ricoroque. Now, she wishes to atone for the wrongs that have been done. She longs to unburden and find peace at last.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 按照父母为确保自己孩子在战争期间能万全的遗愿,一个年轻的女孩, Julia来到了巴塞罗那的女修道院。 为了让自己能保持和外界联系的方式,她在一家产科诊所志愿帮助。 但诊所的领养实践而迫使Julia姆姆决定她将去帮助那些所照顾的孩子到何种程度。
    在意外得知父母身亡六个月后, 34岁的新闻工作者和爵士乐迷Ruby Rae终于腾出手有精力去整理他们的留下的财产,卖掉家宅。 但当她真的这样做的话,她将会发现父母的一个致命的秘密, Vivien和Tom,曾在她生活中被隐瞒的秘密。(Sandy)


    About the Author/作者介绍: Rosanna Ley 从事创意文学教授工作已逾15年。在挂靠英国的几所学院和大学之时,她在英国和海外也举办自己的写作课程。 她还曾与社会治疗团体共同协作设置课程,为了完成个人硕士文学创意写作而提供技术支持。她的假日小说故事经常发生在风景迤逦的意大利和西班牙海湾。 Rosanna许多文章和短篇小说经常在英国杂志上发表,而她以笔名所撰写的12部当代小说在英国本土、德国、希腊和美国出版。 她的小说灵感大多来源于意大利、西西里岛和加那利群岛文化,而她书中那些独具风格的女性故事形象,都伴随这一股强烈的神秘和浪漫气息。 Rosanna每年都会在欧洲旅行寻找小说故事灵感。 她喜欢在峭壁上走走,而她最钟爱的故事发生地都以海景为主。 当她不旅行时, Rosanna与她的艺术家丈夫会在多塞特郡西部海边的一个维多利亚女王时代的村庄上闲居。

    Rosanna Ley works as a creative tutor and has written many articles and stories for national magazines. Her writing holidays and retreats take place in stunning locations in Spain and Italy. When she is not travelling, Rosanna lives in West Dorset by the sea.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

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