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    定价:17.95 加拿大币
    上传日期:2013-5-8 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 12760013B62029

    English Summary/英文概要: Told in a voice reminiscent of Room, this nail-biting tale of psychological suspense shows two small children fighting for survival in the wilderness after a terrifying bear attack.

    The black dog is not scratching. He goes back to his sniffing and huffing and then he starts cracking his bone. Stick and I are huddled tight. . . . It is dark and no Daddy or Mommy and after a while I watch the lids of my eyes close down like jaws.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 熊是複雜而令人著迷的動物。正如人類的誘因,在特定的時間內,賦予給熊那難以預測的特殊行為。
    由一个六岁孩童讲述的一段不堪回首的惊险故事 …… 两个孩子在偏远的小岛露营时,他们的父母遭遇一只狗熊的攻击。

    在1991年10月,Raymond Jakubauskas 和Carola Frehe在(位於加拿大安大略省東南部)近三千平方英里的荒野位於多倫多東北250英里,貝茨島的阿岡昆公園Opeongo湖旁支帳篷。這對夫婦曾為這次露營盤算了三天。當他們未能在週一返回時,朋友聯繫了警方。週三警方發現了部分吃的剩下的 Jakubauskas 和 Frehe。一隻大的雄性黑熊當時正在護著它的獵物。

    兩個受害者皆因頭部以下的脖子折斷而致死。現在重現犯罪證據的過程,夫妻來到島上,支起帳篷,當襲擊事件發生時,他們正在準備膳食。Frehe 最有可能是第一個遭到攻擊的對象。看上去Jakubauskas 試圖用船槳擊退熊的攻擊,因為在營地附近發現了一根斷的船槳,而那是因為在事後在熊的身上發現長長的傷痕。

    在《The Best of the Raven》一書中,有一篇關於此事的描述,國家公園的自然動物保護主義者Dan Strickland記得在襲擊事件發生後接到的電話。許多求助者想要瞭解為何襲擊事件頻頻發生。Strickland說道,熊不會在無緣無故的情況下去攻擊人類。熊在月經期間,常被認為是會對人類產生興趣的原因,雖然至今未被驗證這是一定的原因。其他求助者的問題是關於食物對熊的吸引力。當這對夫婦在做飯時遭受攻擊事件發生之後, 5天後在營地附近,發現了一盤沒有碰過的牛肉醬,所以這對夫婦的烹飪食物不是主要的誘因。

    那為什麼這種攻擊會發生?在極少數情況下,一隻黑熊會捕食人類,通常只有野生的狗熊,或在營地周圍撿破爛的"垃圾"熊會傾向於襲擊人類。Jakubauskas 和Frehe他們的帳篷沒有支在錯誤的地點或是他們在營地做過任何愚蠢的事情。由於熊是體重達到308磅的動物,很難去解釋他們為何要發動攻擊。


    1991和1992 年的夏季,我曾擔任阿爾貢金國家公園夏令營的顧問,在7至14天裡帶領著一群青少年進行獨木舟旅行。在我工作的公園裡,正巧發生了攻擊,夜晚營地篝火旁,我聽著許多關於襲擊事件的故事和相關理論的低沉耳語,我們所有人都想從故事中尋求的可控的慰籍。 (Sandy)

    Awards/获奖情况:When a young couple in Canada’s Algonquin Park gets mauled and partially eaten by a black bear in 1991, it’s a tragedy. When Cameron, who once worked at the park, researches and decides to write about this true story but adds the kids, it’s a novel. In The Bear, the protagonist is a five-year-old girl, Anna, who must, after her parents are attacked, save herself and the life of her two-year-old brother, Stick, by canoeing to the mainland and surviving days in the wilderness—a harrowing time she shares with the reader in a sort of youngster stream of consciousness: If I threw a ball into the water he would not jump off a dock just wag wag wag. There’s touchingly voiced courageousness here and, with her sibling, talk of poo as well as the occasional, implausible preschooler sentiment: I need a fire inside my bones. From the conception to the execution, the book is an exploration of anguish from a child’s point of view, shaded and shaped by Cameron (The Line Painter, 2007). --Eloise Kinney

    An excellent half-hour TV interview:
    “A tender, terrifying, poignant ride. Hang on.”

    About the Author/作者介绍: 克莱尔•卡梅伦出生于1973年,在多伦多长大。她皇后大学学习历史和文化。然后,她曾作为拓展训练的讲师,在俄勒冈州教登山,攀岩和激流泛舟。接着,在1999年搬到多伦多之前,她在旧金山培生集团工作。在那里她一直是转换媒体的总监和顾问,她的客户包括英国广播公司,麦格劳 - 希尔集团和牛津大学出版社。她的第一部小说是惊悚小说《一列列的美洲豹》,讲述的是充满挑战和悬疑的阿冈昆。克莱尔和丈夫带着两个儿子住在多伦多。


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

    Sales in other countries/其他国家销售情况:US: Reagan Arthur Books/Little, Brown, 2014 Canada: Doubleday, 2014 UK: Harvill Secker, Random House UK, 2014 Netherlands: Cargo/De Bezige Bij Brazilian Portuguese: Bertrand Brasil/Grupo Editorial Record Turkey: Nefes Yayinevi Film: John Tatoulis
    Italian rights to THE BEAR by Claire Cameron to SEM, publisher of THE LAST NEANDERTHAL, by Laura Grandi of Grandi & Associati on behalf of Denise Bukowski at The Bukowski Agency. Rights previously sold to Little, Brown (US), Doubleday (Canada), Cargo/De Bezige Bij (the Netherlands), Kero (France), Nefes Yayinevi (Turkey), Bertand (Brazil), and Skybook (Viet Nam), bringing the total number of territories to eight.
    THE BEAR previously went to Little, Brown (US), Doubleday (Canada), Harvill Secker (UK), Cargo/De Bezige Bij (the Netherlands), Kero (France), Nefes Yayinevi (Turkey), Bertand (Brazil), SEM (Italy), and Skybook (Viet Nam), bringing the total number of territories to ten.


