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    定价:0.00 美元
    上传日期:2013-5-7 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 06840013B61989

    English Summary/英文概要: In this classic, atmospheric noir mystery in the vein of Jonathan Lethem’s MOTHERLESS BROOKLYN and Megan Abbott’s BURY ME DEEP, Jersey Leo is the quintessential outsider: an albino of mixed race. Known as "Snowball" on the street, he makes a living as the bartender at a mobrun speakeasy in Prohibitionera Hell’s Kitchen. Being neither black nor white, he has no group to call his own. His own mother abandoned him as a baby.

    And his fathera former boxing champ with his own secretsdisapproves of Jersey’s work at a dive owned by one of New York’s most notorious gangsters.

    So when he inadvertently purchases counterfeit moonshine ("sugar pop moon") with his boss’s money—a potentially fatal mistake—he must go undercover to track down the bootlegger who took him in. The clues lead to Philadelphia, where he runs into a cleaverswinging madman out for his femurs and a coldblooded gangster holed up on a Christmastree farm. Now with a price on his head in two cities, Jersey seeks help from the only man he can trust, his father.

    As the two delve into the origins of the mysterious sugar pop moon, stunning secrets about Jersey’s past come to light. To ensure his future, Jersey must face his past, even if it means that life will never return to normal.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 泽西.李奥是个混血白化病患者,被街上的人唤作“雪球”,靠在一个非法经营的小酒馆里当酒保为生。他既不是白人也不是黑人,使得他自己觉得很没有归属感。他的母亲在他还是个婴孩的时候就将他抛弃了。 泽西的爸爸是一个前拳击冠军,他并不赞成泽西的这份工作,要知道,这间酒馆是归纽约市最臭名昭著的黑帮所有的。 泽西有次无意间用老板的钱买了非法酿造的走私酒,这可是一个潜在的危险,他必须悄悄跟踪将他卷入此次事件中的走私贩。所有的线索将他带到了费城,在那里泽西遇到了一个挥舞着砍刀的疯男人,还有一个藏匿在农场内的黑帮组织。泽西身陷险境,两个城市都在悬赏他的人头,他不得不向自己唯一信任的人,自己的父亲寻求帮助。 当父子二人调查走私酒的来源时,关于泽西过往的秘密也一一浮现,而泽西不得不面对这些,而他的生活也将从此天翻地覆。(XAT)




    About the Author/作者介绍: 约翰.弗洛里奥是一位屡获殊荣的广告撰稿人,参与美国公共广播公司的节目制作。他为美国运通,佳能美国公司和职业棒球大联盟工作过,也经常出现在报纸,网络和电视上。作为一个成功的古典音乐人,他为美国全国广播公司,哥伦比亚广播公司,音乐电视为编写配乐。约翰毕业于南方缅因州大学创意写作专业,艺术硕士学位。约翰还是塞沃尼作家协会的成员之一。他目前与妻子住在布鲁克林。《月光威士忌》是他的处女作,他目前在创作泽西.李奥系列的第二部小说《暗淡的月亮巷》。

    John Florio is an awardwinning advertising copywriter who has produced television programs for PBS and Ovation. His work for American Express, Canon USA, and Major League Baseball has appeared in print, on the web, and on TV. Also an accomplished classical musician, he has composed soundtracks for NBC, CBS and MTV. John holds an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Southern Maine and has attended the Sewanee Writers’ Conference. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife. SUGAR POP MOON is his first novel, and he is currently at work on a second Jersey Leo novel, BLIND MOON ALLEY.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

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