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    上传日期:2013-5-7 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 11710613B61983

    English Summary/英文概要: Millions of young people are so proud to be Chinese . These young people are deeply ambitious and hungry for future success. And they are prepared to study and work very hard to achieve a higher quality life than their parents and grandparents.

    China has changed. And will continue to change beyond recognition in the coming decades. Asian parents have limited experience of this new world.

    So, rightly or wrongly, most young people are now looking to adopt Westernised behaviours and lifestyles. They are copying Western behaviours. And buying Western brands. This will continue. Nothing will stop it.

    There are so many Western countries and cultures they could choose to copy such as; German, Spaniard, Italian, Russian or French. But in the minds of most young Chinese they look to and aspire to be more like Americans or the British.

    Who would you want the next generation of Chinese to copy; loud, arrogant, money-obsessed Americans or the quieter British with their own sense of history, culture and respect for their elders?For All 15 to 25 year old women. Features 1,500 years of wisdom and insight from a group of amazing women. Topics include; what it takes to be a woman, what you need to know about looking after yourself, the relationship you have with yourself, understanding your emotions, how to develop confident relationships with others, how to deal with mean-girl frenemies, how to gain a better understanding of men, how to spot the dangerous ones, marriage and divorce, what they don’t teach you about sex at school, the world of work, what rich people know about money that poor people don’t, understanding risk, responsibility, how to build a solid personal and professional reputation, understanding the dynamics of personal power, making better decisions, negotiating and other crucial life skills

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 本书是写给15至20岁的年轻女性的。主题包括成为一名女性需要什么,照顾自己需要了解的信息,与自己的关系,了解自己的情绪,怎样建立与他人的良好关系,怎样更好的理解男性等等。(Pêche)

    Awards/获奖情况:500,000 grandparents and seniors read it every month.

    They described the books as "The best gift you can give a teenager"

    This is the interview; http://www.maturetimes.co.uk/leisure-and-lifestyle/relationships/6467-the-best-gift-you-can-give-a-teenager.html

    About the Author/作者介绍: 罗伊??谢泼德,人际关系专家,在商业,个人等诸多人际关系领域均有所涉猎并著书。著有《遇见欢迎&成功》,《快速结果参考》,《那些女人:保护自己,远离心机女》(又名《维纳斯的黑暗面》),《如何成为对的那个人》,即《如何收获爱情》前篇。

    Roy Sheppard is British. In his two new books, he provides practical, thought-provoking advice about how to create a successful life.

    Topics include; how to develop a healthy self-esteem, quiet self-confidence and a helpful attitude. Chapters also feature advice on how to be more attractive to the opposite sex, what you need to know about the real world of work and how to understand money.

    Academic studies teach young people how to be better at what they will DO in life.

    Roy Sheppard’s two new books help the reader become WHO they want to be as successful adults in the 21st century.

    Roy Sheppard is a relationships expert and has written extensively on all aspects of business and personal relationships (including the taboos). He is the author of “Meet Greet & Prosper”, “Rapid Result Referrals”, “That Bitch: Protect Yourself Against Women with Malicious Intent” (also known as “Venus: The Dark Side” in some countries) and “How to Be The One”, the book that “How to Be LOVED" is based on.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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