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    定价:16.99 美元
    上传日期:2013-5-7 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 00500013B61976

    English Summary/英文概要: It is 1866, Aiden Lynch is sixteen years old, alone in the world and on the run after killing a man. It was an accident - he was caught stealing a smallpox vaccine for his Indian friends - but Aiden knows his only option is a quick exit. Aiden makes his way to San Francisco and his fortunes shift when he befriends Christopher Worthington, the 18-year-old son of a wealthy businessman. After a lifetime of poverty and starvation, Aiden falls easily into the luxurious new lifestyle. Then one evening in a high stakes poker game, Christopher and Aiden win a ship, "Raven", from a strange, tormented man. The Raven is a ship that trades in Peruvian guano - a trade of which the boys know little except that it is extremely profitable. Both are eager to make their fortunes, but when the friends arrive in Peru, they are horrified. The Chinese guano workers are all slaves, forced to work in the most horrendous conditions. Most die within one year. Many kill themselves instead by jumping off the cliffs. Stakes are high for Aiden and Christopher. Big moral questions vie with hard economic realities. When one slave, Jian Zhang, attempts to escape, Aiden fails to help him. Guilt-ridden, Aiden seeks out the man’s sister, Lijia, back in San Francisco: a girl who was brought from China to marry a powerful silk merchant. Aiden falls in love with Lijia, but interracial marriage is forbidden by law and any relationship between them is impossible. Aiden begins another high-stakes game when he decides to help her escape, planning to flee with her to Hawaii, but as the ship is about to sail, he receives startling news that forces him to make another painful and difficult decision.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 在1866年Aiden Lynch16岁了,在这世界上孑然一身并且杀人在逃。这是个意外——他为他的印度朋友被抓到偷窃天花疫苗——但Aiden知道闪退这是他唯一的选择。Aiden用他自己的方式去旧金山以及当他结为好友的Christopher Worthington财富转移,一个18岁的富有商人。经历过长时间的贫困和挨饿后,Aiden很快地融入了奢华的崭新的生活方式里。之后一天晚上砸一个大赌注的扑克牌游戏中,Christopher 和Aiden在一个饱受折磨的陌生男人手中赢得了一艘船“乌鸦”。乌鸦是一艘在秘鲁鸟粪这个地方做交易的船——两人除了得知它非常有利可图之外其他知之甚少。两人都渴望赚取他们的财富,但当他们到达秘鲁的时候被吓坏了。在鸟粪工作的中故宫人全是奴隶,被迫在最险恶的坏境下工作。大多数都在一年内身亡。许多人用自杀来代替跳入悬崖。对 Aiden 和Christopher来说赌注很高。强大的道德问题与艰难的经济现实争先环绕着他们。当一个奴隶,Jian Zhang企图逃跑的时候,Aiden未能帮助他。被内疚缠身,Aiden找到该男子的妹妹,Lijia,回到了旧金山:这个女孩被带回中国嫁给了一名有权势的丝绸商人。Aiden与Lijia陷入恋爱,但是跨种族的婚姻是被法律禁止的,他们之间发生任何关系都是不可能的。Aiden展开了另一种高风险的游戏,在他决定帮助她逃跑,计划带着她逃离到夏威夷,但当船即将起航的时候他收到了一个惊人的消息迫使他做出另一个痛苦而又艰难的决定。(LNL)



    Starred Review, Kirkus Reviews, September 15, 2013:"Aiden’s dilemmas are rooted in the time and yet move beyond it, creating a glimpse into the past that is relevant today.”

    Starred Review, Booklist, December 1, 2013: “…ultimately unforgettable …”

    About the Author/作者介绍: Victoria McKernan是《SHACKLETON的偷渡者》一书的作者(Knopf出版社,2005年),她的第一本成人著作,这是一本拿过“新纽约公共图书馆最好著作奖”“德州孤星阅读列表选择奖”、一个全国委员会社会科/儿童图书会“显着的作者书”,并被提名为多个奖项,包括2008年度Sequoyah图书奖,2008年黑眼苏珊图书奖、2008年肉豆蔻青少年图书奖、Rebecca Caudill年轻读者奖、2008年西北太平洋青年读者奖和2009年的图书奖。她的后续书籍《魔鬼的颜料盒》,作为阿拉巴马州的年轻人的最好的书,并提名为花园州青少年图书奖,南卡罗来纳州儿童选择奖,2011年美国犹他州蜂巢图书奖和2010年马刺奖。 McKernan也是《蚊子战争》的作者(同 V.A. MacAlister – Tor, 2001),它涉及了国际阴谋来控制一种来自治疗疟疾的水下植物,与四本悬疑惊悚书齐名,分别是《点的欺诈术》 (Carroll & Graf, 1992)和《鱼鹰礁》 (Carroll & Graf, 1990).

    Victoria McKernan is the author of SHACKLETON’S STOWAWAY (Knopf, 2005), her first young adult novel, which was a New York Public Library Best Book, a Texas Lone Star Reading List Selection, a National Council for Social Studies/Children’s Book Council ’Notable Book’, and was nominated for multiple awards, including the 2008 Sequoyah Book Award, the 2008 Black-Eyed Susan Book Award, the 2008 Nutmeg Teen Book Award, the Rebecca Caudill Young Reader’s Award, the 2008 Pacific Northwest Young Reader’s Award and the 2009 Maud Hart Lovelace Book Award. Her follow-up, THE DEVIL’S PAINTBOX, was an ALA Best Book for Young Adults, and nominated for the Garden State Teen Book Awards, the South Carolina children’s choice award, the 2011 Utah Beehive Book Award and the 2010 Spur Award. McKernan is also the author of THE MOSQUITO WAR (as V.A. MacAlister – Tor, 2001), which deals with international conspiracies to control a cure for malaria that comes from an underwater plant, as well as four mystery/thrillers for adults including POINT DECEPTION (Carroll & Graf, 1992) and OSPREY REEF (Carroll & Graf, 1990).


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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