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    上传日期:2007-11-7 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 00990007B17424

    English Summary/英文概要: The myriad of books and programs that encourage people to stop smoking, get organized, spend less, or exercise more tend to focus on what or why to change, but rarely explain how to change. Living SMART provides this missing piece. Developed by two behavioral psychologists, the program offers a set of practical tools drawn from science, not faddish ideas, that help readers successfully change any unhealthy behavior. Composed of five essential behavioral initiatives — Set a goal, Monitor your progress, Arrange your world for success, Recruit a support team, Treat yourself — the program is built on the idea that successful change takes more than mere motivation. Containing helpful tips, checklists, exercises, and progress charts, this simple, step-by-step book enables readers to take control of their lives and make positive, permanent changes. A companion website provides additional information, tips, and downloadable forms.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 市面上無數的書籍與節目,不停勸諫我們要戒煙、節約、多運動、生活規律等,卻沒有告訴我們要「如何」才能達成這些目標,而Living SMART提供了這些被遺漏的資訊。兩位擁有豐富臨床心理學經驗的專家,不跟著時尚流行卻毫無根據的偏方,而是依據科學與工作經驗合力編寫本書,讓你完全根除所有不健康的生活習慣。本書由五大要項組成,如設定目標、徹底執行、為自己未來的健康生活做好規劃、與親友一起行動、犒賞自己。內容也包含了有效的方法、檢視單、練習活動、進行表,只要依照這些簡單易懂的步驟,就能讓你一步一步重返健康和規律的人生。

    Awards/获奖情况:-- Robert Pearl, MD, Executive Director and CEO, The Permanente Medical Group
    "...an easy to read and easy to follow guide to healthier living...a gateway to improving the health of all."
    -- George S. Everly, Jr, PhD, The Johns Hopkins Center forPublic Health Preparedness, The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, TheJohns Hopkins School of Medicine
    "...helps readers achieve significant and lasting change in health-related habits...a long overdue contribution that readers will find informative and empowering."
    -- Robert G. Frank, Ph.D., Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost "The book provides guidance for anyone who decides they want to change...[it] provides guidance on how to handle tough situations."

    About the Author/作者介绍: Joshua C. Klapow博士,為加州大學聖地牙哥分校臨床心理學博士,現任阿拉巴馬大學柏明罕分校保健組織與政策(Health Care Organization and Policy)學系副教授,以及世界衛生組織行為科學顧問。著有超過百篇與保健相關的專業文章,並為美國廣播公司(ABC)主持及編寫Healthy Habits和The Healthy Action Minute節目,更是美國第一大傳統廣播公司ClearChannel Communications節目的常駐心理學家。
    Sheri D. Pruitt博士,為加州永久醫療團體(Permanente Medical Group)行為科學處處長,在臨床心理學界已有超過二十年的工作經驗。
    Joshua C. Klapow, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in the Department of Health Care Organization and Policy at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and a member of the South Central Center for Public Health Preparedness. He received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of California, San Diego.
    Dr. Klapow is a behavioral science consultant to the World Health Organization (WHO), and the is the author of more than 100 professional articles, abstracts, and book chapters in the area of behavioral medicine and health psychology. He is also the author of “Living SMART: 5 Essential Skills to Change Your Health Habits Forever,” a consumer focused book on lifestyle change.
    In addition to his academic pursuits, Dr. Klapow writes and hosts the weekly television segments “Healthy Habits” and “The Healthy Action Minute” on the ABC affiliate in Birmingham. He is also the resident psychologist for ClearChannel Communications- Magic 96.5FM – The Rob and Shannon Morning Show. He has been interviewed by a variety of national print outlets including; Self, Men’s Health, Women’s Day, Women’s Health, Prevention, Redbook, Shape, and Fitness
    Sheri D. Pruitt, Ph.D., is the director of Behavioral Science Integration for the Permanente Medical Group in Sacramento, California. She is a clinical psychologist with over two decades of work in the field of behavioral medicine.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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