Book ID/图书代码: 05410007B17419
English Summary/英文概要: This book is a wake-up call for any executive who thinks front-line employees give a damn. In retail stores, on shop floors, and in offices around the country (and around the world), a refrain of disillusionment and distrust is being sung, and its negative effects on corporate performance— e.g., employee retention, productivity, customer relationships—are profound. A huge gulf exists between the corner office and the cubicle, in terms of how people define their company’s brand, vision, strategy, and goals, and the means to achieve them. Even enlightened business leaders, who support cultures of inclusion and open communication, find that their messages aren’t getting through—the quantity of information available to front-line employees has increased, but the quality, in terms of both transmission and reception, has not.
What Managers Say, What Employees Hear reveals the roots and effects of these problems, and presents a wealth of practical insights for addressing them. Former Harvard Business Review Senior Editor, Regina Maruca, has assembled an all-star cast of management writers, consultants, educators, and practitioners to provide fresh insights for bridging the gaps between management and employees—and improving everyone’s performance in the process. Showcasing innovative practices in corporate strategy, communications, operations, customer service, and employee training at such world-class organizations as eBay, Radio Shack, Southwest Airlines, Bank of America, and Enterprise Rent-A-Car, the book demonstrates the positive effects of aligning goals and actions, building trust, and investing in the front line.
Chinese Summary/中文概要: 本書喚醒所有不在乎基層員工的執行者,無論是在零售商店、生產樓層以及全國到全世界各地辦公室中,充斥著對員工的失望與不信任,而員工留任、生產力、顧客關係與企業績效息息相關,其所產生的負面影響是相當深奧的。基層員工與主管階層對於如何定義公司品牌、願景、策略與目標以及如何達成之間存在著巨大鴻溝。即便是開明的企業領導者,支持所有文化且對組織內所有部門、階層公佈各種資訊,試圖建立員工信任,也深深發覺雙方訊息的流通仍有障礙。雖然主管階層已經大量提供基層員工相關資訊,但是訊息並沒有正確無誤的傳達且基層員工的接收品質並沒有提高。
這本書揭露這些問題的根本與影響,提供大量實用的剖析以及解決之道。哈佛商業評論前資深編輯,Regina Maruca 彙編所有星級管理方面作者、諮詢家、教育學家等專家的論述,提供嶄新的見解,讓企業於員工與管理階層之間的鴻溝建立橋樑,並改善每個人的績效表現。提供世界知名企業之經營策略、溝通模式、操作方法、顧客服務與員工訓練的創新之道,諸如世界知名的eBay、美國知名的消費性電子產品通路Radio Shack、美國西南航空、美國商業銀行(Bank of America)、企業租車公司(Enterprise Rent-a-Car)…等,以實例證明結合目標與行動、建立信任、投資基層員工所帶來的正面影響。
Awards/获奖情况:"Leading consultants, academics, and business people explore issues involved in the management of front line employees from a variety of perspectives. The 13 contributions address such topics as tailoring employee training and standards to meet customers’ expectations; promoting authentic engagement with customers; and creating environments that unlock potential."---Reference & Research Book News "What an engaging, important and timely book! From the first line of Regina Fazio Maruca’s introduction, you’ll be hooked. Which is a good thing, because you need to pay attention to what’s inside."---Seth Godin, author of All Marketers are Liars
About the Author/作者介绍: REGINA FAZIO MARUCA is a freelance business writer and editor, specializing in marketing, branding, leadership, and organizational culture. Also a Principal at the Center for Executive Development, she has served as a Senior Editor at the Harvard Business Review, reporter and editor at Boston Business Journal, and Associate Managing Editor at New England Business Magazine, and has conducted interviews with high-profile business leaders for Fast Company. Since 2000 she has provided editorial, writing, and research services for authors at such organizations as Harvard Business School, Bain & Co., Accenture, the Committee of 200, and Boston University.
Regina Fazio Maruca 是商業類自由作家,擅長於行銷、品牌、領導、組織文化等議題,同時也是執行力發展中心(Center for Executive Development)的校長。 曾擔任《哈佛商業評論》(Harvard Business Review)資深編輯、《波士頓商業期刊》(Boston Business Journal)的記者與編輯,《新英格蘭企業雜誌》〈New England Business Magazine〉副總編輯,且為 《Fast Company》雜誌安排與高知名度的商業人士訪談。自2000年起,他在哈佛商學院、Accenture (埃森哲,一個管理諮詢、信息技術和外包服務的跨國公司,為《財富》世界500強公司之一和全球最大的諮詢公司 http://www.accenture.com/home/default.htm)、 the Committee of 200 (由女性企業家和經理人組成的「兩百委員會」 http://www.c200.org/) 、與波士頓大學提供作家所編輯寫作與調查研究的課程,與 Robert M. Galford合著《打造自己的傳奇》(商周出版),也是該書編輯。
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