Book ID/图书代码: 05430007B17403
English Summary/英文概要: Bodyguard and ex-special forces soldier Charlie Fox is slowly recovering from gunshot wounds but is desperate to prove herself to her new boss. Little does she know there’s a personal matter on the horizon that’s going to take up all of her attention - her father is in trouble and needs her help. It seems he has upset the wrong crowd and they’re using increasingly violent methods to systematically destroy the man’s immaculate reputation. It’s up to Charlie to find out why and stop the situation from getting seriously out of hand.
Chinese Summary/中文概要: 【關於Charlie Fox Series】
Charlie Fox Series成功創造了一位女英雄。Charlie Fox曾被形容為【英國驚悚小說天王】李查德的女版Jack Reacher。女主角Charlie Fox是退休的美國軍人,因槍法神準被招募為特種部隊,但因發生一些事情而被迫退役。退役後她做過不少工作,敎導防身自衛、擔任夜店的門房等。她遇到之前的特種部隊教練Sean Meyer,Sean Meyer也退役了,開設一家私人保全公司,他招募Charlie,Charlie開始了擔任私人保鑣的工作。但Charlie的任務總是會遇上麻煩~
Charlie Fox--前特種部隊,現任保鏢,剛剛從槍傷恢復,急於要在新老闆前證明自己,從來沒想過她父親會自我摧毀是個傑出的外科顧問醫生。向Charlie求助對她父親來說實在不容易,總是對Charlie十分冷淡,毫不掩飾對Charlie工作選擇的不喜歡,以及Charlie與Sean的關係。
但當她父親惹到不該惹的人,他們用一系列越來越粗暴的方式傷害他完美的聲譽。只有Charlie Fox才能挽救父親的人生與性命~(VC)
Awards/获奖情况:美國犯罪/懸疑/推理大師傑佛瑞.迪佛(Jeffery Deaver)、【英國驚悚小說天王】李查德(LEE CHILD)等知名犯罪小說大師好評推薦
系列主人翁Charlie Fox曾被形容為英國驚悚小說天王李查德的女版Jack Reacher
女英雄系列經典 版權已售:
UK: Allison & Busby; US: St Martin’s Press; Russia: Corpus Books; audio: Chivers; book club: Mystery Guild; large print: Thorndike Press
1. Killer Instinct (2001)
2. Riot Act (2002)
3. Hard Knocks (2003)
4. First Drop (2004)
5. Road Kill (2005)
6. Second Shot (2007)
7. Third Strike (2008)
8. Fourth Day (2010)
「令人秉住呼吸,發不出聲音,一部讓你一直翻到最後一頁的小說」----美國犯罪/懸疑/推理大師傑佛瑞迪佛(Jeffery Deaver)
「第一部女性推理必讀系列」--愛爾蘭黑色小說之王肯‧布勞恩(Ken Bruen),暢銷書《神父》(Priest)作者
’Third Strike hits home with the impact of a high-velocity jacketed round . . . Nothing hollow-point about this book! Breathlessly compelling and utterly real, this novel will keep you turning pages till dawn. Charlie Fox is simply the best . . .’--美國犯罪/懸疑/推理大師傑佛瑞迪佛(Jeffery Deaver)
’Scarily good’ --【英國驚悚小說天王】李查德(LEE CHILD)
’Charlie Fox is fast becoming the must-read heroine of mystery.’
Ken Bruen--愛爾蘭黑色小說之王肯‧布勞恩(Ken Bruen),暢銷書《神父》(Priest)作者
Today’s best action heroine is back with a bang. Cross your fingers and toes that she survives for future adventures – you’ll definitely want her to’ Lee Child
‘Zoe Sharp is the best kept secret in crime fiction, it’s about time this changed. Miss this at your peril’ Stuart MacBride
‘Thrills and twists aplenty in this absorbing mystery, which proves she can hold her own against crime fiction’s toughest men’ Sunday Telegraph
‘The narrative moves like a banshee on speed. Charlie Fox is fast becoming the must-read heroine of mystery…Superb’ Ken Bruen
‘Breathlessly compelling and utterly real, Third Strike will keep you turning pages till dawn.’ Jeffery Deaver
"Once again, Zoe Sharp finds a way to make the thriller genre her own by focusing on the psychological toll that violence takes upon a person...if you’re prepared to travel some very dark and thoughtful corners, this is the book (and series) to read."
Sarah Weinmann, reviewer for the Baltimore Sun
"Sharp expertly captures the frenetic energy of New York without sacrificing her trademark British women. Charlie is as tough as she is damaged, and readers will kill for the next installment" Publishers Weekly
"Sharp captures readers on the first page and doesn’t let go" Library Journal
“British author Sharp has her settings (from New York to England to Texas) down pat. Her characters bristle with life (and occasionally death). The author never forgets that Charlie has been wounded (physically and psychologically) and therefore cannot be a super-powered hero. The action sequences are brutally realistic in light of that limitation. Charlie Fox is totally believable, thanks to Sharp’s writing skill. So is this exceptional novel.” Mystery News
“Addictively readable. Breakneck pacing...This [is] one of the very best crime fiction sagas out there.” Chicago Tribune
About the Author/作者介绍: Zoë Sharp生於英國諾丁漢,在英國北海岸長大,年輕時做過許多不同的工作,如遊艇送貨員、貨運司機、騎馬教練、貸款顧問等。她與老公Andy現定居在英國湖區。著有Charlie Fox系列,其中《First Drop》與《Second Shot》曾入圍巴瑞獎決選。2001年英國出版該系列第一本,2005年美國St Martin’s出版社也開始出版此系列。2010年即將出版此系列第八本新書《FOURTH DAY》。
Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE
Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE
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