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    定价:0.00 美元
    上传日期:2007-11-1 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 06481007B17203

    English Summary/英文概要: Beginning with questions about the current fragmentation and polarization within contemporary multicultural societies, these lectures (published and broadcasted simultaneously in Canada in the Massey Lecture Series) urgently explore how stories hold the secret to what binds us together. What is the role of the storyteller in 21st Century society? Do stories possess the power to change the world we live in? In this most original and stimulating study Alberto Manguel, award winning author of "A History of Reading", sets out to investigate the ways in which stories can lend an identity to a whole society. From "Gilgamesh" to the Bible, from "Don Quixote" to "The Fast Runner", Manguel explores how books can hold the secret to what binds us together. His thesis is argued here in an engrossing and highly personal book that encompasses narratives of autobiography, mythology, history and theology. He also raises concerns that technological developments - the internet, for one - may well fatally undermine the publishing industry and threaten the survival of the individual around whom the entire literary industry was originally constructed: the beleaguered author. Do innovations like CD-Rom replace creative readers with passive viewers? This book is also about the art of reading, at a time when Manguel argues that it is still possible for stories to change us and the world we live in.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 文學大師曼古埃爾(Alberto Manguel)是閱讀的愛好者,自從出版了他的成名作《閱讀地圖》之後,似乎就與書籍產生不可劃分的關係。這次他從史詩"Gilgamesh"到聖經,從”唐吉軻德”到”冰原快跑人”, 更深度剖析”故事”裡各種隱含的意義,曼古埃爾討論了21世紀”說故事的人”所扮演的角色,以及”故事”是否擁有改變整各世界的巨大力量。曼古埃爾同時也提到科技發展對文學及出版產業所帶來的傷害,尤其是對於作者(說故事的人)。此書不僅討論閱讀的藝術並且提出”故事”改變世界的可能性。(VC)


    About the Author/作者介绍: 阿爾維托‧曼古埃爾 Alberto Manguel,生於布宜諾斯艾利斯,先後在義大利、法國、英國、大溪地居住,1985年成為加拿大公民。青少年時期曾為視力受損的名作家波赫士誦讀,大受啟發。有多部作品獲得重要獎項,《閱讀地圖》(A History of Reading,臺灣商務,聯合報讀書人版年度十大翻譯好書獎)、《意象地圖》(Reading Pictures: A History of Love and Hate,臺灣商務)、《虛擬處所辭典》(The Dictionary of Imaginary Places)曾入圍加拿大國家級總督文學獎「非小說類」決賽,其他作品有《棕櫚樹下的史蒂文森》(Stevenson Under the Palm Trees)、《吉卜齡小傳》(Kipling: A Brief Biography)、《走進鏡之森林》(Into The Looking-Glass Wood)、《同時,在森林的另一處》(Meanwhile, in Another Part of the Forest)、《黑水》(Black Water,二冊),以及《異國的消息傳到了》(News from a Foreign Country Came)、《跟波赫士一起》(With Borges)等多部著作。http://www.alberto.manguel.com/

    Internationally acclaimed as an anthologist, translator, essayist, novelist and editor, Alberto Manguel is the bestselling author of several award-winning books, including A Dictionary of Imaginary Places and A History of Reading. He was born in Buenos Aires, moved to Canada in 1982 and now lives in France, where he was named an Officer of the Order of Arts and Letters.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alberto_Manguel


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE(到期可授)

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