Book ID/图书代码: 12749004B00825
English Summary/英文概要: In this revised and enlarged edition of ’The Ancient Olympic Games’, Judith Swaddling traces their mythological and religious origins and describes the events, the sacred ceremony and the celebrations that were an essential part of the Olympic festival. A large, detailed model based on modern research and excavation reconstructs the site of Ancient Olympia, where alongside religious and civic buildings there grew an elaborate sports complex with a stadium for 40,000 spectators, indoor and outdoor training facilities, hot and cold baths, a swimming pool and a racecourse. Later chapters cover the diet and medical treatment of athletes, sponsorship, patronage, propaganda and revivals of the Games. The last additional chapter on the modern Games is written in collaboration with Stewart Binns, an expert in this field who has worked closely with the International Olympic Committee over many years.
Chinese Summary/中文概要: 关于体育,关于奥运是永远热门的话题。中国北京将举办2008年奥运会,这是亚洲和中国的荣耀。但有关奥运,特别是古代奥运知识我们很多人知道的只是一鳞半爪,而我们当中的很多人没有也无法去亲身体会,聊起来只是依样画葫芦、人云亦云而已。
About the Author/作者介绍: Judith Swaddling is head of the Italian collections in the Department and curator of the Etruscan and other antiquities from pre- Roman Italy. She organized the exhibition on The Etruscan World (Room 71), and has held various Etruscan conferences and study days. Her publications in this area are listed below. Judith has a long association with the ancient Olympic Games, having organized a series of exhibitions on the subject, and the latest version of her book, The Ancient Olympic Games, was published in 2008 (British Museum Press). Her PhD thesis was about bronze statuary production in ancient Greece.
本书作者Judith Swaddling 是大英博物馆的希腊罗马古物馆馆长,他向读者追述了古代奥林匹克运动神话及其宗教起源,介绍了其中的重大比赛项目、宗教仪式以及作为奥林匹克主要组成部分的庆典等。本书与一般介绍奥运的书不同:一是它的资料可信----全部来自大英博物馆,二是该书插图很丰富(插图:50张彩色,54张黑白 ),这与那种常见的枯燥的用文字语言介绍希腊古代奥林匹克运动的书相比,更形象深刻。
Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE
Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE(到期可授)
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