Sotheby’s: the Inside Story
Book ID/图书代码: 02000006B06186
English Summary/英文概要: An account of how a seven-year investigation of Sotheby’s, the London auction house, revealed that it sells art objects which have been illegally brought to the UK from Italy, India and elsewhere, has rigged auctions, and deals in stolen antiquities.
Chinese Summary/中文概要: 耳熟能詳的蘇富比(是全世界歷史最悠久的藝術品拍賣商之一。1744年在倫敦建立,自1983年以來歸美國人所有,在紐約、倫敦、香港三地設有拍賣據點。作者Peter Watson花了七年時間調查,化身為畫商,與拍賣公司、走私商人、挖掘古墓的盜賊鬥智的過程緊張刺激,使這本書更可以當成偵探小說來讀。書中更揭露這全球知名的拍賣商販售非法取得之藝術品、使用詐欺手法進行拍賣、涉及偷竊古代文物的不道德行為。
Awards/获奖情况:◎ 知名歷史學家
◎ 當代文史哲、藝術文化評論大師
◎ 曾任《泰晤士報》、《觀察者雜誌》、《紐約時報》、《旁觀者雜誌》等多家知名國際報社媒體之編輯和專欄作家
◎ 自1983年起即為國際的藝術代理商
◎ 曾揭發並報導藝術品走私犯罪集團,其報導〈卡拉瓦喬的叛謀〉(The Caravaggio Conspiracy)被英國BBC改編成劇本並獲艾美獎提名
About the Author/作者介绍: Peter Watson出生於1943年,受教於杜倫大學、倫敦大學和羅馬大學,並為劍橋大學麥克唐納考古研究所研究員(。曾是《New Society》雜誌(英國政治性周刊)的責任編輯,於《The Sunday Times》周日泰晤士報服務四年,擔任泰晤士報紐約特派員,也為《Obeserver》觀察者雜誌、《The New York Times》紐約時報、《Punch》雜誌、《The Spectator》旁觀者雜誌等多家報社媒體撰稿。出版過13本書,1983年成為國際的藝術代理商,揭發了走私義大利繪畫至美國的犯罪集團,其深入地追查使四人遭受判決。他的報導〈卡拉瓦喬的叛謀〉(The Caravaggio Conspiracy)被英國BBC改編成劇本並獲艾美獎提名。此後,瓦森陸續出版了四本關於藝術圈的驚悚小說。
Peter Watson was born in 1943 and educated at the universities of Durham, London and Rome. He was deputy editor of New Society and spent four years as part of the ‘Insight’ team of The Sunday Times. He was New York correspondent of The Times and has written for the Observer, The New York Times, Punch and The Spectator. He is the author of thirteen books and has presented several television programmes about the arts. Since 1998 he has been a Research Associate at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research , at the University of Cambridge. (
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