Book ID/图书代码: 00470006B06052
English Summary/英文概要: This is the enchanting and absorbing story of a remarkable season; defining a world on the cusp of irrevocable change. One summer of nearly a hundred years ago saw one of the high sunlit meadows of English history. A new king was crowned; audiences swarmed to Covent Garden to see the Ballet Russes and Nijinsky’s gravity-defying leaps. The aristocracy was at play, bounding from house party to the next - the socialite Lady Michelham travelled with her nineteen yards of pearls. Rupert Brooke (a 23-year-old poet in love with love, Keats, marrons glaces and truth) swam in the river at Grantchester. But perfection was over-reaching itself. The rumble of thunder from the summer’s storms presaged not only the bloody war years ahead: the country was brought to near standstill by industrial strikes, and unrest exposed the chasm between privileged and poor - as if the heat was torturing those imprisoned in society’s straitjacket and stifled by the city smog. Children, seeking relief from the scorching sun, drowned in village ponds. What the protagonists could not have known is that they were playing out the backdrop to WWI; in a few years time the world, let alone England, would never be the same again. Through the eyes of a series of exceptional individuals - a debutante, a suffragette, a politician, a trade unionist, a butler and the Queen - Juliet Nicolson illuminates a turning point in history. With the gifts of a great storyteller, she rekindles a vision of a time when the sun shone, but its shadows fell on all.
Chinese Summary/中文概要: 这是一个发生在不同寻常季节的故事,扣人心弦,引人入胜,展现了处于改变的风头浪尖的世界。那是将近一百年前的一个夏天,英国的历史犹如笼罩在阳光下的草坪。新的国王加冕,民众们聚集在柯文特花园欣赏俄罗斯和尼金斯基芭蕾舞团的惊艳表演。贵族们总是处于嬉戏之中,穿梭于一个又一个家庭聚会中。社会名流米歇尔哈姆夫人佩戴着她的19码的珍珠饰品在人群中游刃有余。鲁波特 布鲁特(一个23岁的诗人,陷入爱情之中,崇拜济慈,对糖炒栗子和真理情有独钟)在格兰切斯特的河中游泳。但是他的完美程度有点过头了。夏天暴风雨隆隆的雷声预示着血腥的战争即将来临,工业罢工使国家几乎处于停滞状态,暴动暴露了穷人和富人之间的裂痕,受社会制约的人,因城市的烟雾而窒息的人,饱受热浪的煎熬。孩子们潜入村中的池塘,希望在灼人的烈日下寻求些许解脱。这些主角们不曾知道他们的所作所为实在一战这样的背景下。几年后,不要说英国,就是整个世界都将与众不同。从许多不寻常人的视角,如初入社交界的少女,妇女参政权论者,政客,贸易统一论者,仆役长,女王,朱利特 尼克松阐述了历史的转折点。她如一个故事叙述者,对要点有着敏锐的把握,她点燃了一个时代的想象力,这是一个阳光普照的时代,但是它的阴影也笼罩着所有人。
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