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    定价:8.99 英镑
    上传日期:2006-7-19 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 06580006B06045

    English Summary/英文概要: The elusive Crusader Gold is the greatest prize missing from the final bloody conflict of the Crusades. For many it is the Jewish menorah, the huge golden candlestick looted by the Romans in AD70 when they sacked the Temple in Jerusalem and marched through Rome in triumph. It was carried off to Constantinople. Now, nobody knows where it is. Some Jewish activists today think it survived and is concealed in the Vatican. Some think it took another altogether more extraordinary turn, at the beginning of history itself...Jack Howard is the only man who can find out. But the clock is ticking against him. Will ancient history give up one of its darkest secrets? The quest to find out takes him from the fall of the Roman Empire to the last days of Nazi power - and uncovers a trail more thrilling than anyone could have imagined.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 從羅馬帝國衰亡到納粹帝國的毀滅,海洋考古學家傑克 霍華德和他的探險團隊們一直樂此不疲地追尋人類歷史上最隱蔽、眾人垂涎的寶藏:耶路撒冷丟失的黃金燭臺。他們尋找到的東西足以改變世界……

    靠近伊斯坦布爾被風吹亂的水域中,傑克和他的專家團們揭開了一個大秘密,那就是埋葬十字軍東征過程中所掠奪寶藏的地點。同時,在一個被灰塵掩蓋的教堂圖書館裡,有人無意中發現了遺失多年的中東地圖。這兩樣發現將解開一個歷史謎團,也會挑起一場能改變當代陰謀的戰爭。 傑克和他的團隊,潛入北極冰山,又到最後一艘海盜軍艦的指揮台,再到美洲中部雨林中挖掘深埋秘密,他們穿越全球文明,進入一場充滿血腥和恐懼的迷宮,還要面對威脅到他自己生命的殺戮。(Celia)


    About the Author/作者介绍: 大衛•吉賓斯是暢銷小說作家和考古學家、古代海難和沉沒城市領域的國際權威。1962年出生於加拿大的薩斯卡通市,父母是英國人,他自小在加拿大、新西蘭和英國長大。1983年以一級榮譽生畢業於英國的布里斯托爾大學,1991年從劍橋大學獲得博士學位後,在英國和其他國家教授考古學。他在世界各地率領過無數次考察水下城市的探險,現主要在英國和加拿大從事野外作業。

    《亞特蘭蒂斯》出版於2005年,是吉賓斯的處女作,曾榮登暢銷書排行榜榜首,已發行50萬冊,並被譯成28種語言。2006年和2008年,吉賓斯又出版了《十字軍的金幣》(crusader Gold)和《最後的福音》(The Last Gospel)。其作品已經出了100多個版本,被譯成29種語言。

    A native of Canada, at the age of fifteen David Gibbins dived on his first shipwreck in the Great Lakes. He has worked in underwater archaeology all his professional life. After taking a PhD from Cambridge University, he taught archaeology in Britain and abroad, and is a world authority on ancient shipwrecks and sunken cities. He has led numerous expeditions to investigate underwater sites in the Mediterranean and around the world. He currently divides his time between fieldwork, England and Canada.


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