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    上传日期:2006-6-27 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 00990006B05512

    English Summary/英文概要: Headache is the most common complaint for which people see neurologists and the seventh most common reason they visit their primary care doctors. It is the third most common cause of missed work, and can seriously undermine the quality of life if not effectively managed. Migraine and Other Headaches is the essential guide for everyone who suffers from headaches, and will provide the information needed to obtain effective medical care and long-term relief. Different types of headache are thoroughly explained in easy to understand language, beginning with migraine, the most common severe headache, which occurs in approximately 12 percent of the U.S. population. The authors discuss the different types of migraine: migraine without aura (previously called common migraine), migraine with aura, and basilar migraine. Emphasis is placed on the necessity of early treatment, the importance of understanding the difference between a headache cause and a headache trigger, and how to avoid common triggers. Rebound headache, caused by the overuse of acute medication, is a topic of special significance and is discussed in detail. The book also considers tension-type headache, the most common primary headache disorder, cluster headache, unusual headaches, non-headache illnesses that frequently accompany headache, sinus headache, disorders of the neck, post-traumatic headache, and atypical facial pain and trigeminal neuralgia. Treatment options for all types of headache are thoroughly discussed, including the treatment of migraine with medications that can be taken daily to help prevent headache, stop headache pain once it has begun, and prevent worsening of headaches. Managing headache pain goes beyond simply popping pills and, therefore, lifestyle issues are considered, including the possibility of depression or other psychological factors, and family relationships. The doctor may recommend changes in diet in order to avoid triggers, exercise, change in sleeping patterns, or relaxation techniques. Also included is information about alternative therapies, such as vitamins and herbal supplements, physical therapy, acupressure, massage, acupuncture, chiropractic care, craniosacral therapy, hydrotherapy, and yoga, as well as behavioral treatments such as stress-management training and psychotherapy. Migraine and Other Headaches will help those suffering with headaches, and those who care for them, to gain a deeper understanding of what is known about headache and what is not known, allowing them to explore diagnosis and treatment with this knowledge in hand. It is the first volume in a new series sponsored by the American Academy of Neurology, An AAN Press Quality of Life Guide.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 忙碌的生活,再加上工作壓力,讓每個人幾乎都會面臨頭痛的問題,且症狀也不盡相同。有些人痛過一次就不再疼痛,有些人則是長年為頭痛所苦。一般人如果遇到頭痛問題,通常不會急著求診,頂多吃顆止痛藥了事。但頭痛可能是器官病變或中風的警訊,若不正視頭痛問題,不僅影響生活品質,甚至會延誤就醫時間。若想徹底解決頭痛問題,就得先學會分辨頭痛的原因。近百分之十二的美國人,都有周期性偏頭痛的困擾,本書以簡單易懂的方式,從最普遍的周期性偏頭痛談起,教您各種頭痛知識,如:群發性頭痛、劇烈頭痛、竇性頭痛、頸部不適所引起的頭痛等,更告訴您如何由頭痛的症狀來分辨病因,也提供您有效的醫療方法及長期抗戰的小撇步。若您也是頭痛一族,千萬別忽視頭痛帶給您的麻煩,讓本書來教您如何擺脫頭痛這個惱人的小東西!


    About the Author/作者介绍: Stephen D. Silberstein博士,為神經病學教授及美國湯瑪士傑佛遜大學(Thomas Jefferson University)頭痛學會理事長,也是美國神經學學會(American Academy of Neurology)正式會員。Stephen D. Silberstein博士目前與美國衛生決策與研究管理局合作,以副主任的身分參與國際頭痛治療準則計畫(Headache Guideline Project),同時也發表了超過250篇關於頭痛的發病、症狀、診斷、治療等著作。
    Stephen D. Silberstein, M.D., is Professor of Neurology and Director of the Jefferson Headache Center at Thomas Jefferson University. He is an active member of the American Academy of Neurology and is Co-Director of the national and international Headache Guideline Project in cooperation with the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. He has over 250 publications to his credit and lectures extensively on the pathogenesis, neurobiology, diagnosis, and treatment of headache.


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