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    定价:12.95 美元
    上传日期:2006-6-16 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 12346606B05179

    English Summary/英文概要: Offers tips on what to do when you can no longer pretend your relationship is a bed of roses, with practical tips on making the best of a bad situation. The phone rings, and when you answer it, the person on the other end quickly hangs up. Again. Your mate is working late. Again. And even when the two of you are together, he seems distant, distracted. Is it your imagination or is he seeing someone else? Written by an experienced investigator who has dealt with infidelity in her own life, "Ultimate Betrayal" is the complete guide to recognising, uncovering and dealing with a cheating boyfriend or mate. The author begins by making you aware of the many signs of infidelity. You’ll learn how to evaluate your mate’s history, as well as your own, how to note any changes in his routine, and how to increase your awareness of his behaviour. The author then provides detailed guidelines for gathering evidence of your mate’s extracurricular activities - without his being aware of your investigation. From phone bills to cash point receipts, from computer records to hair on the headrest, all the evidence is there. And you’ll learn proven techniques for finding and recording it.
    Following this, the author helps you reassess your personal goals, confront your mate with the evidence you have gathered, evaluate your partner’s reaction and finally, choose your next step, whether separation or reconciliation. She even includes a handy resource list that offers tools for gathering evidence, as well as support groups that can give you much-needed emotional assistance. Nothing is more heart-wrenching than the suspicion that your partner has betrayed you. If you have decided that it’s time to uncover the truth, "Ultimate Betrayal" will help you with practical advice, invaluable insight and the encouragement you need to take charge of your life.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 当你无法继续伪装你们的关系多好时需要一些能使境况转好的实用建议。电话铃响了,你接了,但是电话那头的人又一次迅速挂断了。你的伴侣又要加班。甚至你和他在一起的时刻,他是游离的状态,他的心不在这儿。这仅仅是你的猜想还是他确实另有花头?《终极背叛》(Ultimate Betrayal)是作者结合其本身处理丈夫不忠的经验而写的一部导向,对于认清败露的事实处置背叛的男友或丈夫很有帮助。作者一开始就列举了一些他可能不忠的迹象。你将学会如何估摸自己和另一半的情史,学会注意到他日常以外些微的变化以及如何对他行为的意识。作者随后又提供了详细的指导且在他毫无察觉的情况下来搜集你丈夫“业余活动”的证据。可以从电话账单、支票存折、电脑记录着手,甚至枕头上的落发也可能是证据。你还会学到如何发现和录音的技巧(已试过可行)。
    一步步来,作者将帮你重新安置你的人生目标,拿你掌握的铁证与你的另一半对质,根据你另一半的反应最终决定你下一步的行动,分开也好,和解也好。作者甚至还附上了实用的单子,列满了搜集证据可能用得到的工具以及会在情感上给予你支持的“支援组织”。没有比怀疑你的另一半背弃你更令人心痛的了。如果你觉得是时候该揭露他的假面具了,《终极背叛》(Ultimate Betrayal)将会是你的良师益友,教你甩去包袱,掌控生活。(XJJ)


    About the Author/作者介绍: Danine Manette received a bachelor’s degree in Social Welfare from the University of California at Berkeley, and a doctorate from Hastings College of Law in San Francisco, California. She currently works in the specialized field of criminal investigations.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

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