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    上传日期:2006-6-15 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 03035006B05110

    English Summary/英文概要: The Return Journey is a collection of 14 short stories of life, love and learning that enables the most harried reader to enjoy a well-told tale in its entirety before checking on the kids or sorting the washing. In the tradition of Binchy’s classic tales Circle of Friends and Tara Road, this consummate summer beach book introduces readers not to models of literary and romantic indefectibility, but to people just like us, who lose their car keys and have bad hair days. The title story paints a portrait of the embattled relationship between a mother who left her home in Dunglass, Ireland, and her daughter, who has travelled to Ireland to find her history and finds love, as well. Through weekly correspondence, mother and daughter repair the damage to their relationship, laying to rest ghosts of an earlier mother-daughter relationship gone irrevocably wrong. Binchy’s Victor and St. Valentine renews faith that truly romantic men do exist and are often overlooked, their motives suspect in an increasingly self-reliant world. No one can accuse Binchy of overtelling a tale; she has perfected the art of leading her readers to the verge and then allowing them to loose their imaginations as they see fit.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 梅芙•賓奇在這本短篇小說集裡為我們解釋心靈與愛的故事:兒子與情人的故事、女兒和陌生人、丈夫和妻子,他們背景不同,訴說著愛、缺失和諒解的感人故事。 一個暗戀老闆多年的秘書在一次商務旅行時經受感情的考驗……一個男人和一個女人在第一次見面的時候互相藐視體現了相貌的欺騙性……一個缺乏安全感的妻子,幻想著秩序的作用,最後發現那個操控混亂局面易如反掌的看守人卻走錯了門……一對倒楣的遊客拿錯了包,當他們打開對方的背包,他們走進了別人的生活。僅舉幾例,另外還有更多悲傷、嘲諷、幽默的故事,這些難忘的生活片段讓我們深入人心。(Celia)


    About the Author/作者介绍: 梅芙•賓奇1940年生於都柏林,獲都柏林大學歷史學位。在幾所女子學校任教,後進入《愛爾蘭時報》供職,開始撰寫專欄。自1982年她的長篇處女作《點燃一支小蠟燭》出版以來,梅芙•賓奇已經出版了近二十部長篇小說和短篇小說集, 每一本都成為英語世界人人爭讀的暢銷書,她遂成為整個英語世界最受追捧的頂級暢銷書女王。其作品中的《丁香公車》(1984)、《回音》(1985)、《朋友圈》(1990)被改編成轟動一時的影視作品;力作《螢火蟲的夏天》(1987)、《庫柏海灘》(1992)《鏡湖》(1994)等皆為大受追捧的超級暢銷書。1997年問世的《晚間課程》蟬聯《星期日泰晤士報》暢銷書第一名十七周,之後的《塔拉路》(1998)被美國著名電視訪談節目主持人奧普拉選為每月推薦好書,自此梅芙•賓奇在美國聲望大增,全球銷量突破百萬,1999年獲英國圖書獎的終身成就獎。如果說講故事也是一門藝術,那梅芙•賓奇就是這門藝術的大師之一。因為她不走文學路線,她說她的寫作像是在聊天,好像和她聊著聊著,你會漸漸想通一些事情而豁然開朗。所以賓奇的寫作風格,「像講個故事給朋友聽」。

    Maeve Binchy was born in County Dublin and came to fame first as London Correspondent for the Irish Times. Her first novel, Light A Penny Candle made her famous in the UK and USA. She lives in County Dublin with her husband, Gordon Snell.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

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