Book ID/图书代码: 03035006B05108
English Summary/英文概要: Cathy Scarlet and Tom Feather have decided to create the best catering company in Dublin. They have the perfect premises, heaps of talent, and even a few contacts - but not everyone seems as pleased by the idea of ’Scarlet Feather’ as they are. Tom’s parents are disappointed that he has turned his back on the family business. Cathy’s husband buries himself in work, becoming ever more distant, whilst his mother thinks Cathy should stay at home to look after him. And Tom’s relationship with his beautiful, ambitious girlfriend becomes fraught as she struggles to realise her dream of becoming a model. As Cathy and Tom strive to maintain their emotional ties amidst catering triumphs and disasters they are supported - and undermined - by an enchanting cast of classic Binchy characters.
Chinese Summary/中文概要: 凱西.斯嘉莉(Cathy Scarlet)和湯姆"菲瑟(Tom Feather)決定在都柏林開一家最好的飯店。他們找到了最好的地點,有一大串絕妙的點子,甚至已經建立起一些實際的關係。他們以兩人的姓給他們的飯店取名為紅羽毛(Scarlet Feather)。但是,湯姆的父母卻對兒子放棄家庭的建築業務感到失望。而凱西的婆婆本就對兒子選擇這個妻子感到不滿,她認為兒媳就應該在家裡照顧丈夫。凱西的丈夫是個頗有雄心的民權律師,整天埋頭工作,與她的距離越來越遠。而湯姆漂亮的女朋友則整日醉心於當一名模特,兩人的關係也出現了危機。正當凱西和湯姆在飯店的升沉起伏中努力維繫著各自的感情聯繫時,他們得到了一大串經典的梅芙•賓奇型人物的支持(也有添亂),如:一對可怕又可愛的極富喜劇效果的雙胞胎,凱西自己的一對老活寶父母,充滿魅力的富有的姨媽,以及一個懷抱孤獨秘密的老會計師……(Sandy)
Awards/获奖情况:...a great read: engaging, fast-paced and suspenseful. ---USA Today
Prolific Irish writer Binchy’s latest novel is maddeningly slow to get started. Eventually, though, the novel builds in speed and force until it is nearly impossible to put it down. What initially slows the reader down is the vast detail, but it soon becomes obvious that Binchy is layering her story with nuances and shaping her characters with shading and dimension. The setting is contemporary Dublin; the cast of characters is large, chief among them two partners in the brand-new catering business Scarlet Feather. The name is a combination of their own: Cathy Scarlet and Tom Feather. Cathy is married to the son of the woman who used to employ her mother as housekeeper; Tom is involved in a problematic relationship. Around them swirl their individual and coupled worlds, centering on family members with all kinds of problems and issues. Cathy’s husband’s mother is caught up in social prestige; Cathy’s parents are dutifully and generously taking care of two troublesome children to whom they are not even related; and Cathy’s husband himself presents a sore spot, because he has a job consuming all his time, energy, and interest. In the meantime, Cathy and Tom are looking for a building to house their growing enterprise, only to have the place vandalized once they have set it up. Binchy writes domestic drama at its most realistic and moving, and her adoring fans will appreciate her latest work.---Brad Hooper, From Booklist
This novel (following the very popular Tara Road) has all of Binchy’s trademark warmth, making it irresistible to most readers. It tells the story of Cathy Scarlet and Tom Feather, who are building a Dublin catering company, Scarlet Feather. The plot follows the ups and downs of their personal lives as well as the ins and outs of professional food provision. It is obvious throughout that Tom and Cathy are ill suited to their partners (Cathy’s husband is an idealistic lawyer full of his own importance, while Tom’s fianc e is an air-headed model). Subplots include the shop’s vandalism and recovery, its mysterious secrets from the past, and several entertaining catering stories (including two "weddings from hell"). Best of all are Cathy’s nine-year-old abandoned cousins, the Mitchell twins, who provide comic relief throughout her personal and business struggles. These darlings can be relied on to make totally inappropriate responses in every situation, winning the hearts of all. Highly recommended.---DCarol J. Bissett, New Braunfels P.L., TX, From Library Journal
About the Author/作者介绍: 梅芙•賓奇於1940年生於都柏林,獲都柏林大學歷史學位。先在幾所女子學校任教,後進入《愛爾蘭時報》供職,開始撰寫專欄。自1982年她的長篇小說處女作《點燃一支小蠟燭》出版以來,梅芙-賓奇已經出版了近二十部長篇小說和短篇小說集,每一本都成為英語世界人人爭讀的暢銷書,她遂成為整個英語世界最受追捧的頂級暢銷書女王。其作品中的《丁香公車》(1984)、《回音》(1985)、《朋友圈》(1990)被改編成轟動一時的影視作品;早起力作《螢火蟲的夏天》(1987)、《庫柏海灘》(1992)《鏡湖》(1994)等皆為大受追捧的超級暢銷書。1997年問世的《晚間課程》蟬聯《星期日泰晤士報》暢銷書第一名十七周,之後的《塔拉路》(1998)被美國著名電視訪談節目主持人奧普拉選為每月推薦好書,是梅芙•賓奇在美國聲望大增,並贏得突破百萬的全球銷量,1999年獲英國圖書獎的終身成就獎。1999年,作為愛爾蘭國寶級暢銷書作家的她榮獲英國圖書獎的終身成就獎。 《山楂林的故事》(2006)使其目前的新作。Maeve Binchy was born in Dublin and came to fame first as London Correspondent for the IRISH TIMES. Her first novel, LIGHT A PENNY CANDLE, made her famous in the UK and USA. She lives in Dublin with her husband, Gordon Snell.
Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE(到期可授)
Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE
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