Book ID/图书代码: 02000006B05093
English Summary/英文概要: Winner of the Commonwealth Prize and Washington Post Best Book of the Year Sripathi Rao’s life is as arid as the dusty South Indian town where he lives. All he ever wanted was an ordinary life with a solid job and a happy family. But Sripathi has never been a lucky man. Now ageing and disenchanted, struggling to keep his job, Sripathi lives in the crumbling ancestral house with his lonely spinster sister, embittered mother, and a wife and son he hardly knows anymore. His only joy is his talented, vibrant daughter Maya. But when Maya marries Alan, a fellow student at her American university, Sripathi angrily cuts her off, until he receives a phone call from Vancouver informing him that Maya and her husband have been killed in a car crash. All Sripathi is left with are his regrets and Maya’s seven-year-old daughter, Nandana. Confused and scared, little Nandana must move to India, and adjust to a life with the family she has never met before.
US: Algonquin
US: Paperback: Ballantine
UK: Bloomsbury
France: Stock
Spain: Ediciones Bronce
Catalan: Columna
Canada: Knopf
Greece: Kastaniotis Editions
Poland: Wydawnictwo Dialog
Portugal: Difel
Italy: Marsilio
Holland: De Geus
Chinese Summary/中文概要: 七歲的Nandana在一場車禍中失去雙親,孤苦無依的她,必須投靠遠在印度且未曾謀面的外祖父母。Nandana的父親是個白人,婚後母親即與外祖父母斷絕往來。而當Nandana抵達印度後,赫然發現這個家族裡的每位成員,都有著各自的煩惱:霸道專制卻只能靠著微薄薪水養活大家族的外祖父;地位低下且暗自責怪丈夫與女兒斷絕親子關係的外祖母;四十四歲仍未婚的姨婆;好吃懶做的舅舅。自小在加拿大生活的Nandana,早已擁有許多有趣的經歷。而這些經歷,卻是整個家族成員相加起來,永遠也無法與之相比。透過這齣家庭喜劇,作者不僅點出了在傳統印度生活中,人人壓抑自己內心感受的痛苦,並以全新的方式來詮釋過去既有的英雄形象。(from XMM )
Awards/获奖情况:Badami Wins a Second Italian Prize/lily-Ruby(sh)
About the Author/作者介绍: Anita Rau Badami’s acclaimed first novel,
在印度出生並接受教育的Anita Rau Badami,為瑪麗安‧恩格爾獎得主(The Marian Engel Award,為加拿大作家信託Writers’ Trust of Canada獎項之一)。短篇小說作品常見於各大文學雜誌,The Hero’s Walk一書,不僅入圍桐山環太平洋文學獎(Kiriyama Pacific Rim Book Prize)及2002年柑橘文學獎(Orange Prize for Fiction),更是2000年大英國協小說獎(Commonwealth Prize for Fiction)的贏家。目前Anita Rau Badami與夫婿及兒子定居於溫哥華。
Tamarind Woman, was released simultaneously in Canada and India by Penguin in fall 1996, and became a Canadian bestseller. It was highly praised when it was published the following year in England by Penguin UK. Badami lives in Montreal with her husband and son.
Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE
Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE
Sales in other countries/其他国家销售情况:RIGHTS SOLD
US: Algonquin Books
US: Paperback:
UK: Bloomsbury
France: Stock
Spain: Ediciones
Catalan: Columna
Canada: Knopf
Greece: Kastaniotis
Poland: Dialog
Portugal: Difel
Italy: Marsilio
Netherlands: De Geus