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    定价:16.95 美元
    上传日期:2004-3-22 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 06840004B00998

    English Summary/英文概要: The Psychology of War is a stunning anatomy of a problem that the greatest thinkers have failed to solve. Our wars have become more lethal, yet our affinity for war hasn’t changed. In The Psychology of War, Lawrence LeShan talks about the roots of human war lust and the practical implications for society and political leadership. Today, as the whole world anticipates a lengthy war against terrorism, The Psychology of War’s timely message makes it a must-read for everyone concerned with contemporary events.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 现代战争的杀伤力越来越大,但人们对战争的态度却还没有改变。本书分析了人类爱好战争的根源以及它对于社会及政治领导的意义。作者提及了以下问题:如果人们能策划战争,那么能不能策划和平呢?战争的心理指标是什么,如何使它变成“早期预警系统”?某些政府机构是否更倾向于战争?什么样的领导作风能预防和缩小冲突?正当世界面临长期的反恐战争时,作者再版了他10年前的著作。风格浅近、有说服力---理查德•B•芬涅根(图书馆杂志)

    风格浅近、有说服力--- 理查德•B•芬涅根(图书馆杂志)

    LeShan, a clinical psychologist and author of Cancer as a Turning Point , argues that wars are an aspect of human behavior. War--widespread, easy to start, difficult to control--he maintains, fulfills psychological needs and eases tensions by creating an alternate reality structure, a binary vision of good versus evil. Like a mythic event, war makes the lives of individual participants more intense and more meaningful, at the same time creating the sense of a collective engaged in a noble enterprise. LeShan’s explanations of war’s appeal are more convincing than his ideas for calling on psychology and other social sciences to make us less susceptible to warmongering. Educational reforms to foster self-acceptance and government reforms to encourage peace-seeking appear fragile barriers against the powerful forces LeShan describes.---From Publishers Weekly

    The author of 11 books on psychology, including the recent Cancer as a Turning Point ( LJ 4/15/89), Shan turns here to the question of war. He centers his explanation on the psychological phenomenon of shifting from one conception of reality to others, and especially to "mythic reality." Once this shift has been made, the checks and balances of sensory reality are discarded and humans begin to see reality as a clash of good and evil that allows for no shadings or subtlety. LeShan argues that such thinking is used to justify initiating war and committing atrocities--acts that are unthinkable in other circumstances. By glorifying past wars and preparing for future wars, society reinforces this mindset. War is even welcomed, for it allows individuals to project inner hatreds, displace aggression, find a transcendental purpose in life, and achieve a sense of belonging in a group. LeShan suggests that to address the question of war, we must recognize the temptation of mythic thinking, educate individuals to find fulfillment outside the satisfactions of war, and restructure governments to seek peace with as much vigor as they prepare for armed conflict. Written in an accessible style with solid scholarship, this slender volume is recommended for public and academic libraries.---From Library Journal

    About the Author/作者介绍: Lawrence Le Shan is a research psychologist, educator and author or co-author of over a dozen books. Including The Dilemma of Psychology, Alternate Realities, and the popular How to Meditate. Working in the field of psychology for more than half a century, he served five years as a psychologist in the US. Army.
    Lawrence LeShan从事心理学研究已有半个世纪,并曾在美国军队中担任过5年心理学家。他独自或与人合作共写了十几本书,如“心理学的两难问题”,“可替换的现实”,“如何沉思”,等等。


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE(到期可授)

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