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    定价:4.50 英镑
    上传日期:1900-1-1 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 0600.2094B0333-

    English Summary/英文概要: An Irish Canadian author’s lauded fairy fantasies are updated and introduced to U.S. fantasy readers for the first time in O.R. Melling’s Chronicles of Faerie. The first volume, The Hunter’s Moon, follows two cousins, Gwen and Findabhair, as they backpack around Ireland in search of the country’s magical past. But the girls go too far when they dare to spend the night in a known fairy mound. Finn is stolen away by the dark king of Faerie to become his bride sacrifice to the Great Worm, or Hunter. It is up to timid Gwen to rescue her intrepid cousin, and she wonders if the task will be too much the first time she catches a glimpse of the Little People at play. "Gwen quaked inside. This wild abandon…was beyond anything she could imagine…Exquisite chaos." But with the help of a fairy doctress and her handsome grandson, Gwen assembles a rag tag team of heroes determined to bring Finn back -- even if it means the destruction of Faerie itself.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 十一岁的达娜和作为音乐人的父亲一起在爱尔兰过着无拘无束的生活。可父亲突然准备带她移居加拿大。临走,精灵国的使者交给她一项神秘的任务:替精灵国的上王给山林之王带一个口信,如果达娜成功带到了口信,她就能实现一个愿望。为什么偏偏是达娜?她最终有没有完成任务?她的愿望真的会实现吗? Gwen与表亲Findabhair约好暑假一起环游爱尔兰全岛一趟。寻找前往妖精世界的入口。在好奇心的驱使下,她大胆地在谣传有妖精出没的山丘过夜,没想到当晚妖精之王竟骑着黑马出现了,还绑走了Findabhai,为了挽救Findabhair,Gwen独自一人在爱尔兰奔走,他们展开了一连串智斗的刺激冒险。.


    About the Author/作者介绍: O.R.莫林(O.R.Melling)出生于爱尔兰,大多伦多长大,有七个姐妹和两个兄弟。她遍游北美各地、东南亚、印度、欧洲和英伦各岛。目前,她与女儿芬恩达布赫尔生活在爱尔兰。 An Irish Canadian author’s lauded fairy fantasies are updated and introduced to U.S. fantasy readers for the first time in O.R. Melling’s Chronicles of Faerie. The first volume, The Hunter’s Moon, follows two cousins, Gwen and Findabhair, as they backpack around Ireland in search of the country’s magical past. But the girls go too far when they dare to spend the night in a known fairy mound. Finn is stolen away by the dark king of Faerie to become his bride sacrifice to the Great Worm, or Hunter. It is up to timid Gwen to rescue her intrepid cousin, and she wonders if the task will be too much the first time she catches a glimpse of the Little People at play. "Gwen quaked inside. This wild abandon…was beyond anything she could imagine…Exquisite chaos." But with the help of a fairy doctress and her handsome grandson, Gwen assembles a rag tag team of heroes determined to bring Finn back -- even if it means the destruction of Faerie itself


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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