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    定价:6.99 英镑
    上传日期:2005-4-4 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 04300004R00981

    English Summary/英文概要: A New York Times best-selling action-packed fantasy, now given a stunning new series look.

    Henry thinks he is simply saving a butterfly from being eaten by Mr Fogarty’s cat – but he is in fact saving the life of a misdirected exiled fairy prince. A prince who has to get back to his own land in order to thwart a threatened attack by the Faeries of the Night. But time is against Pyrgus Malvae and soon he is relying on Henry and Mr Fogarty not just to get him home but also to solve the puzzle that surrounds his exile.

    A wonderful, gripping, page-turning read full of the kind of detail that will ensure that this fabulous fantastic novel will have readers young and old holding their breath as the story unfolds.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 天人之战
    少年亨利身边接连发生事情:他妈妈跟爸爸的秘书同性恋情被发现,两人正处于分手边缘;整日醉心于科学实验的忘年交、80多岁的弗加第先生年轻时竟然是个持枪抢银行的匪徒;无意之中从小猫嘴下救下来的蝴蝶庇格斯(Pyrgus Malvae )居然是某个仙境王国的王子。
    庇格斯王子与父亲吵架,负气出走。可他却没有意识到正有一股强大势力威胁着他的生命和他的家族。为了保命,他只能流亡,不料想差点在弗加第先生的后花园里将小命送给一只猫。不久, 庇格斯、亨利、弗加第先生卷入遥远世界跟黑暗势力的斗争之中,这会是一场永远改变他们命运的战争。

    Awards/获奖情况:Gr. 6-8. When Henry Atherton arrives at the house of eccentric old Mr. Fogarty, he comes upon crown prince Pyrgus Malvae, who has escaped the Faerie realm, where the Faeries of the Night want to kill him. Mr. Fogarty and Henry decide to help the prince return home. It’s a complex situation, involving an evil demon, two avaricious glue factory owners, and Lord Hairstreak, leader of the Faeries of the Night, each with a personal agenda that will lead to taking over the realm. A subplot (Henry realizes that his mother, not his father, is having an affair with his father’s secretary) is totally unnecessary, and there are discrepancies in the story and some awkwardness to slow things down. Still, there’s enough solid adventure in the Faerie realm to keep readers on the edge of their seats.---Sally Estes, From Booklist

    Grade 5-8–The Faerie Wars (Bloomsbury, 2003) by Herbie Brennan is an introduction to the complex world of the Faerie Realm, which is inhabited by the Faeries of the Night and the Faeries of the Light. The two main characters are teenaged boys, Henry Atherton, a likeable, forthright, British boy whose family is breaking up as a result of his mother’s lesbian affair with his father’s secretary, and Prince Pyrgus Malvae, heir to the Purple Emperor, a brave, socially conscious Faerie of the Light. The come from very different worlds but are thrown together when Henry is cleaning out the shed of his summer employer, Mr. Fogarty, a wily but brilliant physicist. Pyrgus has gotten into big trouble in the faerie realm and his father has had him "translated" into the "Analogue World" (our world) to protect him. Mr. Fogarty’s backyard is a portal between the two realms. Mr. Fogarty’s physics background allows him and Henry to try to help Pyrgus get back home and, in so doing, a friendship develops between the three. This story about friendship, honor, good and evil, with some weapons, demons, and a budding romance thrown in for fun, is filled with symbolism, wit, and irony. Listeners will find the ending surprisingly satisfying considering that the book ends with the words, "to be continued." The main characters are genuine, appealing, and well developed. Other characters are merely introduced, and we are left hoping to learn more about them in ensuing episodes. Narrator Gerard Doyle does a remarkable job of bringing each character alive. He reads clearly with great enthusiasm and vibrancy, allowing whimsy and mischief to emerge. Fantasy readers will thoroughly enjoy this audiobook, especially fans of Artemis Fowl and Harry Potter.–--Jo-Ann Carhart, East Islip Public Library, NY

    About the Author/作者介绍: Herbie Brennan is the New York Times bestselling author of the Faerie Wars series as well as a multitude of other fiction and nonfiction books, including The Shadow Project, the first book in this series. His work has been published in more than fifty countries. He lives in an eighteenth-century rectory in Ireland with his wife and eight cats, where he divides his time between his writing and a lifelong study of the paranormal . . . including out-of-body experience.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

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