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    定价:16.99 英镑
    上传日期:2024-4-23 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 11340024C00138

    English Summary/英文概要: We know we should eat fewer ultra-processed foods; this book shows you how to do it.

    From expert dietitian, Nichola Ludlam-Raine, comes this simple, easy-to-follow plan for reducing the ultra-processed foods in your diet.

    Taking you through 4 weeks, each focused on a different meal (snacks and drinks, breakfast, lunch and dinner), Nichola equips you with the practical ways you can make a huge difference to your diet through small, achievable changes.

    Along the way she also debunks the myths that surround ultra-processed foods and provides answers to the most commonly asked questions, to help soothe anxiety around what you eat and enable you to feel confident with what’s on your plate, wherever you are and whatever time of the day.

    With recipes to get you started and a comprehensive list of over 100 processed and ultra-processed foods, ranked according to their nutritional benefits and with guidance on how often you should eat them, this is a necessary guide for anyone looking to eat healthier and make a real change to their long-term health.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 我們知道我們應該少吃超加工食品;本書向您展示如何做到這一點。 專業營養師妮可拉( Nichola Ludlam-Raine) 提出了這個簡單、易於遵循的計劃,用於減少飲食中的超加工食品。

    妮可拉帶領您度過了4 週的時間,每餐專注於不同的餐點(零食和飲料、早餐、午餐和晚餐),妮可拉為您提供了實用的方法,您可以透過微小的、可實現的改變來對您的飲食產生巨大的影響。


    本書提供了幫助您入門的食譜以及100 多種加工和超加工食品的綜合清單,並根據其營養價值進行排名,並提供了食用頻率的指導,對於任何想要吃得更健康並製作食物的人來說,這是一本必要的指南。(Zoe)

    Awards/获奖情况:「一本關於超加工食品的急需的、平衡的、細緻入微的書。」——哈澤爾·華萊士博士(DR HAZEL WALLACE),《星期日泰晤士報》暢銷書作者

    「這是一本務實明智的書,深入淺出地解釋了所有令人困惑的營養知識,並包含實用又美味的秘訣。」 - 阿米爾汗博士(DR AMIR KHAN),《星期日泰晤士報》暢銷書作家

    「絕對必讀。令人獲益良多,平易近人,最重要的是,完全可行。這本書是拒絕加工食品運動所需的聲音。 」- 安娜‧馬瑟 (ANNA MATHUR),《星期日泰晤士報》暢銷書作家

    「如果您對超加工食品(UPFs)感到困惑,那麼這本書就是適合您的。尼古拉在解析有關超加工食品的論據方面做得非常出色,而且還幫助讀者簡單地掌握 UPF 較少的飲食。這對每個人來說都是一本非常詳細且實用的指南。」 ——夏洛特‧史特林-里德,《星期日泰晤士報》暢銷書作家

    「這本書讓讀者能夠了解超加工食品的複雜世界,提供實用的見解和一個全面的 4 週計劃來減少我們對超加工食品的攝取量。這是一本精湛的指南,以不使人感到受限的方式啟發人們獲取營養,改變我們與食物的關係,以獲得持久的健康和福祉。 」- DR IDZ,《飽和脂肪事實》一書的作者

    「對所有人來說都是非常重要的資源,我也會向我的患者推薦這本書!擁有一個易於理解、基於證據且易於使用的工具包正是我們所有人所需要的! 」- 普南‧克里山博士(DR PUNAM KRISHAN),全科醫生和電視醫生 「一本不可或缺的指南……妮可拉不僅揭開了超加工食品的神秘面紗,還為讀者提供了輕鬆做出明智、健康選擇的工具。 」- 珍娜‧馬喬奇博士(DR JENNA MACCIOCHI),《免疫:保持健康的科學》一書的作者

    「將這本書視為您了解超加工食品的實證指南。尼古拉的 4 週計畫為讀者提供了一個實用的、可實現的路線圖,以實現更健康的生活方式。必讀!」 ——欽塔爾博士 (DR CHINTAL),《Chintal 博士的廚房》一書的作者

    「妮可拉減少 UPF 攝取量的框架應該成為中央公共衛生資訊的一部分,並在臨床實踐中廣泛使用。這對每個人來說都是一本必讀的書。」 - 艾莉·賈菲博士(DR ALLYJAFFEE),NHS 醫生兼 Nutritank 聯合創始人

    A no-nonsense book which cuts through all the confusing nutritional information out there with wonderfully simple explanations and practical and delicious tips! -- DR AMIR KHAN, Sunday Times bestselling author

    An absolute must-read. Warmly educational, accessible and best of all, totally do-able. This book is the voice the UPF movement needs. -- ANNA MATHUR, Sunday Times bestselling author

    This book empowers readers to navigate the complex world of ultra-processed foods, offering practical insights and a thorough 4-week plan to reduce our intake. It’s a masterful guide that enlightens and nourishes without constraining, transforming our relationship with food for enduring health and well-being. -- DR IDZ, author of Saturated Facts

    This is a fantastic book, which will help people eat more nutritious food, so they can enjoy what they eat while supporting their long-term health. A must-read for those looking to cut through the noise around UPFs and better understand what foods are in this category and, importantly, how to eat less of them. -- GRAEME TOMLINSON (THE FITNESS CHEF), Sunday Times bestselling author

    No foods are ’good’ or ’bad’ and this book helps you cut through the noise around the often confusing world of nutrition. Full of practical and empowering information. -- DR PHILIPPA KAYE, author of The M word

    About the Author/作者介绍: Nichola Ludlam-Raine(榮譽學士、PG Dip、理學碩士)充滿熱情且值得信賴,是一位專業註冊營養師,擁有超過 15 年為 NHS 以及私人工作的臨床經驗。她在社交媒體上向超過 100,000 名粉絲分享鼓舞人心的內容,並多次出現在電視上 - Nichola 是 BBC 早餐、ITV Tonight 以及 Channel 4 和 5 的常客,並定期為眾多小報和媒體提供評論。她提倡與食物建立更好的關係,以便其他人能夠養成更健康的習慣,從而帶來持久的改變。

    A passionate and trusted voice, Nichola Ludlam-Raine (BSc hons, PG Dip, MSc) is a specialist Registered Dietitian with over fifteen years of clinical experience working for the NHS as well as privately. She shares inspiring content to over 100,000 followers on social media and has appeared on TV multiple times - Nichola is a regular on BBC Breakfast, ITV Tonight and Channel’s 4 and 5, and regularly provides commentary to numerous tabloids and press outlets. She advocates for a better relationship with food, so that others can build healthier habits that lead to lasting change


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:SOLD

    Sales in other countries/其他国家销售情况: The German rights have sold, to MVG Verlag.


