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    上传日期:2023-8-4 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 04643023C00002

    English Summary/英文概要: From the author of La manutenzione dei sensi a touching new novel set in the Laga mountains, five years after the terrible earthquake that hit the area in 2016.

    On the anniversary of that event, Franco Faggiani pays tribute to the victims of the tragedy with a moving and heartfelt story that will captivate readers.

    Franco Faggiani is a much loved author, an essential point of reference for mountain fiction for his ability to weave positive stories with an uplifting ethos.

    In emergency situations, either you give your best or you give your worst.

    In August 2016, Francesca Capodiferro, a young geologist and head of the Rome Fire Department, is on a job in the Laga mountains, on the border between Lazio, Marches and Abruzzo. On the night of the 24th she camps on the mountain above Amatrice together with her two dogs but that very night several violent earthquakes destroy the town below and the neighbouring hamlets causing the collapse of most of the houses and the death of almost 300 people. Francesca is among the first to arrive on the site and organise the rescue operations, initially with makeshift means, then helped by some of her team’s members. Reinforcements arrive and Francesca, emotionally tried by the disaster and also by the conflicts that have arisen with her colleagues, decides to leave alone in search of the missing people who have remained stuck in the surrounding valleys: it will be a difficult journey, in the pain and beauty of nature, which can sometimes be so violent and indifferent to human affairs. But it will also be a necessary inner journey for Francesca, allowing her to finally make peace with her job, her men and her life.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 2016年8月,年轻的地质学家兼罗马消防局局长Francesca Capodiferro在拉齐奥(Lazio)、马奇(Marches)和阿布鲁佐(Abruzzo)交界处的拉加(Laga)山区执行任务。 24日晚上,她和两条狗在阿马特里切的山上露营,但就在那天晚上,几次强烈的地震摧毁了下面的城镇和邻近的村 庄,导致大多数房屋倒塌,近300人死亡。 F朗西丝卡是第一批到达现场并组织救援行动的人之一,最初是用临时的手段,然后得到了她团队的一些成员的帮助。增援部队到达了,弗朗西斯卡在情感上受到了灾难的考验,也受到了与同事之间的冲突的考验,她决定独自离开,去寻找那些被困在周围山谷里的失踪人员:这将是一段艰难的旅程,在大自然的痛苦和美丽中,大自然有时会如此暴力,对人类事务冷漠。 但对弗朗西斯卡来说,这也是一次必要的内 心之旅,让她最终能够与她的工作、她的爱人和她的生活和平相处。(Sandy)


    A book on the power of nature and man’s ability to adapt to its laws, set in one of the least known and most beautiful areas of Italy.

    About the Author/作者介绍: Franco Faggiani现居米兰,是一名记者。他的作品《La manutenzione dei sensi》(Fazi Editore,2018年)获得了2018年Parco Majella奖、2018年巴黎城市文学奖和2019年Be Kind奖,为许多读者所知和喜爱。他的作品《Il guardiano della collina dei ciliegi》(Fazi Editore,2019)获得了2019年罗马图书馆奖和2020年Bancarella Selezione奖。他的其他著作也由Fazi Editore出版,包括Non esistono posti lontani(2020)和Tutto il cielo che serve(2021)。他的所有小说都在荷兰出版,受到评论界和公众的好评。其中两本也在乌克兰出版。

    Franco Faggiani Lives in Milan and is a journalist. With La manutenzione dei sensi (Fazi Editore, 2018), winner of the Parco Majella Award 2018, the Città delle Fiaccole Literary Award 2018 and the Be Kind Award 2019, he made himself known and loved by many readers. With Il guardiano della collina dei ciliegi (Fazi Editore, 2019), he won the 2019 Biblioteche di Roma Award and the 2020 Bancarella Selezione Award. His other books, also published by Fazi Editore, are Non esistono posti lontani (2020) and Tutto il cielo che serve (2021). All of his novels have been published in the Netherlands to great critical and public acclaim. Two of them were also published in Ukraine.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

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