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    定价:24.95 US
    上传日期:2004-9-17 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 01240004B00160

    English Summary/英文概要: “Magnificently engrossing, with wonderful characters and a plot that speeds, twists, and turns. Pure intrigue, pure fun.”-Clive Cussler for AMBER ROOM.
    The thrilling new novel of international intrigue by Berry! Tossed into turmoil in the years following Yeltsin, Russia has decided by popular vote to bring back the Tsar. This ruler will be selected, of course—the Romanov line having been wiped out when Nicholas II and his family were murdered in 1918. But a few know the truth: two of Nicholas’ children may have survived. The line may not be gone after all… Miles Lord, an African-American lawyer who specializes in international business and is well-versed in Russian language and history, is in Moscow to assist his boss, Taylor Hayes, who represents a conglomerate of western businesses concerned about the selection of the new Tsar. But what Lord doesn’t know is that Hayes is part a secret and powerful group that hopes to install a puppet Tsar. But when Lord learns that a Romanov may yet still be alive, he realizes he must bring the truth to light. Dashing across continents, Lord struggles to discover the missing piece of a nation’s great history and the key to its tumultuous present—no matter who’s against him…and no matter what they do to stop him.
    THE THIRD SECRET is the next exciting novel by Berry for fall 2005. After being sealed away in the Vatican for decades, the third secret of Fatima was revealed to the world in May, 2000. But one man - a cardinal, who schemes to be Pope- knows there was more to the message, and what he knows will forever change the world. Option publishers: Japanese (Random House Kodansha).

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 已经完稿,2004.9正式出版,400页。荷兰版权已售。Steve Berry是《琥珀屋》的作者,他是一名律师,有着20年的法庭辩护经验,游遍墨西哥,欧洲,俄国等。他和女儿,妻子生活在Georgia现在正在写下一部小说Vinelle,此书在纽约时报排行榜上2004年,我们增加了对Berry的出版计划。小版本的《THE AMBER ROOM》(2004年9月)卖了30万册,与此同时,精装版卖了3万4000册,THE ROMANOV PROPHECY,我们出版了精装版6万5000册。我们最初计划印30万册,现在增加到了35万册。本版排纽约时报畅销榜26位,仍然在畅销榜上。Berry 的又一部国际恐怖小说。叶利钦执政,俄国由争端变成动荡,俄国由全民选举又回到了沙皇时代。统治者自然由选举产生。尼古拉二世和家人在1918年被杀。但却很少有人知道他的两个孩子可能幸存下来。家族还没有灭绝。米尔斯洛德,一位专门研究国际商业,精通俄语和历史的律师,在莫斯科主张他的老板代表西方商界参与新沙皇选举。当了解到尼古拉二世的后代仍然活着的时候,他意识到必须说出这件事情。无论谁反对和阻止他,他都要参与选举。

    Awards/获奖情况:* 戰績:*A little recent history: In 2004 we increased our plans for Berry. The mass market edition of THE AMBER ROOM (September 2004) went out with 300,000 copies and at the same time we went out the door with 34,000 copies of his September 2004 hardcover, THE ROMANOV PROPHECY. Now we have more than 65,000 copies in print of ROMANOV in hardcover. The writing was on the wall for the mass market edition of ROMANOV….Our initial printing was 300,000 and we’ve got nearly 350,000 in print now. This edition hit the New York Times bestseller list at #26 and has stayed on the list ever since.

    About the Author/作者介绍: Steve Berry is the author of The Amber Room. He is a trial lawyer with more than twenty years of courtroom experience who has traveled extensively throughout the Caribbean, Mexico, Europe, and Russia. He lives with his wife and daughter in Camden County, Georgia, and is currently at work on his next novel.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE(到期可授)

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