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    定价:25.00 US
    上传日期:2004-12-7 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 00500004B00347

    English Summary/英文概要: "If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him."
    The ninth-century sage Lin Chi gave this advice to one of his monks, admonishing him that this Buddha would only be a reflection of his unexamined beliefs and desires. Peter Manseau and Jeff Sharlet took Lin Chi’s advice to heart and set out on a car trip around America, looking for Buddhas along the road and the people who meet them: prophets in G-strings dancing to pay the rent, storm chasers hunting for meaning in devastating tornados, gangbangers inking God on their bodies as protection from bullets, cross-dressing terrorist angels looking for a place to sing.
    Along the way Manseau and Sharlet began to wonder what the traditional scripture they encountered everywhere -- in motels, on billboards, up and down the radio dial -- would look like remade for today’s world. To find out, they called upon some of today’s most intriguing writers to recast books of the Bible by taking them apart, blowing them up with ink and paper.
    Rick Moody recasts Jonah as a modern-day gay Jewish man living in Queens. A.L. Kennedy meditates on the absurdity of Genesis. In Samuel, April Reynolds visits a man of tremendous vision in Harlem. Peter Trachtenberg unravels the Gordian logic of Job by way of the Borscht Belt. Haven Kimmel dives into Revelation and comes out in a swoon. Woven through these divine books are Manseau and Sharlet’s dispatches from the road, their Psalms of the people.
    What emerges from this work of calling is not an attack on any religion, but a many-colored, positively riveting look at the facets of true belief. Together these curious minds tell the strange, funny, sad, and true story of religion in America for the spiritual seeker in all of us: A Heretic’s Bible.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 宗教研究 暢銷經典

    杀害佛主:一个异教徒的圣经(KILLING THE BUDDHA: A Heretic’s Bible)由The Free Press2004年出版。其中的一句谚语是:假如你遇见佛就杀了他。9世纪的圣人Lin Chi给他的一个僧侣这项建议, 告诉他佛只是猴子的未经检验的信仰和欲望在人身上的反映。Peter Manseau 和Jeff Sharlet接受了Lin Chi的建议并开始架车环绕美国旅行,并沿路寻找佛:G-strings舞蹈的爱好者通过跳舞来支付租金,在破坏性龙卷风中狂怒的猎人捕猎的意义,青少年犯罪团伙为的免受子弹的袭击而在身上纹上帝的像。然后他们拜访了当今最有魅力的作家并且请教他们去怎么解读<<圣经>>的书。所以KILLING THE BUDDHA这本书虽然结构上比《圣经》松散,但包括我们生活中的矛盾和宗教信仰的矛盾可与《圣经》相媲美,但要比《圣经》的结构松散,能变得围绕相反和利害二值大约宗教的信仰经常的一当代<<圣经>>。 Manseau 和 Sharlet作出了一份令人印象深刻的工作。自从Jack Kerouac最先开始通过放逐创作作品以来,Manseau 和 Sharlet的这些文字是最新颖和最具洞察力。——出版者周刊 像米迦勒一样指引人的心灵——Thomas Frank,ONE MARKET UNDER GOD的作者。 “……结果是不可思议的,对人性的观察是深入的……“——美国最具权威性的书评刊物──《书单》 Killing the Buddha这本书证明了担心和害怕是人类仅有的感觉而幽默是超人类的。——《O,欧普拉杂志》 充满冲突和论争——Vanity Fair (Claire更新)


    About the Author/作者介绍: 傑夫.沙利特Harper和Rolling Stone的特約編輯,紐約大學宗教研究中心學者,傑夫曾在紐約大學擔任新聞專業和宗教研究專業教師。與彼得.芒索合著作品《殺害佛主》(Killing the Buddha),還任TheRevealer.org.的編輯。居住在紐約的布魯克林。

    Peter Manseau and Jeff Sharlef are the founding editors of the online literary magazine Killing The Buddha.com, winner of the Utne Independent Press Award. They began working together at the National Yiddish Book Center, at which Peter designed exhibits and Jeff edited Pakn Treger, an award-winning magazine of Jewish culture.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

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