English Summary/英文概要: "Our story is a story that’s happening right now, to other families in systems around the world. To those families, I want to say: I see you, and I want shine a light on your experiences so you know you are not alone." In this heart-warming and supportive new book, The Sunday Times bestselling author and illustrator Eliza Fricker lifts parents of neurodivergent kids from the dark days of grappling with impenetrable, underfunded systems, and shows them how life can become brighter - often by finding joy in the things that may seem small to everyone else but are huge milestones for our children. Honest, full of humour and laced with advice that can be implemented into hectic day-to-day life, this is the little shot of hope that will keep you going when times seem toughest.
Chinese Summary/中文概要: 在这本温暖人心、充满支持的新书中,《星期日泰晤士报》畅销书作家兼插画家伊丽莎·弗里克(Eliza Fricker)将神经发散型孩子的父母从与难以理解、资金不足的系统作斗争的黑暗日子中拉了出来,并向他们展示了生活如何变得更加光明——通常是在别人看来微不足道的事情中找到快乐,但对我们的孩子来说却是巨大的里程碑。 坦诚又不失幽默,并附有建议,可以在繁忙的日常生活中实施,这是一个小小的希望,将让你在困难时期继续前进。(Sandy)